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"No, you step behind. I don't think it's me he wants to hurt." I whisper to Lucas glancing at Randal who is innocently siting right outside the door looking at Lucas' car probably waiting for him to step out.

I honestly don't know where he got the guts to drive at Keith's place waiting for God knows who.

His car is blocking us from his view but i can clearly see him from where i am standing.

He looks harmless and his whole appearance could fool anyone. He hasn't changed much save for his personality, the last time i saw him was three years ago and it's hard to believe that the sweet person who threw me a birthday party three years ago, the romantic guy who charmed me out of my pants could kill the only people i knew as family.

That he was driven by vengeance all this time. He fooled me.

"Gilbert will kill me if i let something happen to you, he almost died saving your ass less than twenty four hours ago." He says handing me the gun that he took when i passed out. "Don't hesitate to shoot if he does something stupid."

"He doesn't have a gun." I say stepping besides him as he walks out of the driveway.

"Behind me, love!" Lucas orders and i smirk at him defiantly.

"Belle." Randal calls my name when he sees me and he has a very annoying smirk on his face.

"The next step you take will be your very last." Lucas warns him.

"Don't shoot, please!" Randal begs and i watch with disdain as he stands innocently lifting his arms up in surrender. "I promise i am armless."

Lucas chuckles as he takes long intimidating steps towards Randal his gun held in place and i know he is not bluffing, he wouldn't think twice before killing him.

"You really got some nerves, don't you?" He tells him halting, just some few steps away from Randal. "You kill her family and still risk showing up." He shakes his head in disbelief. "Gutsy much?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Parker." And he dares to take a step foward. "The last time i saw them they were alive, fit as a fiddle." He is smiling like a physcho, you wouldn't think he is referring to the innocent people that he and his best friend from hell killed.

Why is he so heartless.

"Why are you here, Randal?" I ask bitterly. "You fooled me. I thought you were in love with me."

Everything in me is screaming 'kill him' but i don't know what is holding me back.

"I loved you, Belle. I still do." I break into fits of laughter and Lucas rolls his eyes.

"Well, fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice..." He cuts me off.

"I sent Brian to save you from Rainer because i love you, Belle." He sounds sincere and if he didn't have a hand in my family's dead, i would have bought that.

"Let's cut to the chase, Randal. Why are you really here?" I point my gun at him confidently and i am silently counting from ten to one.

"I know you can't hurt me, just tuck the gun away already." He tells me totally ignoring the fact that i hace a good reason to kill him.

"She might not hurt you but trust me, i will." Lucas says aiming at his head. "I will kill you in the count of five, four." Either Randal is underestimating Lucas or he really, really wants to die.

He is not making any efforts to stop Lucas instead he just stands there hands in his pockets with a stupid grin on his face waiting for him to fire.

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