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I release my breath dramatically when his car is out of sight reaching to tuck some strands of my hair at the back of my ears.

“That was…” I start but Lucas is quick to take over.

“Intriguing, I know.” He tucks his gun away before taking my hand in his and pulling me to rest on his sculpted chest and I don’t hesitate. I seriously needed that.

“I was gonna say mystifying.” I say after a short while.

“Honestly, I am interested.” I expected that from him.

“That makes one of you. I am not even in the slightest bit interested. I don’t like that man.” I say pulling away from him.

“An enemy of my enemy is a friend. We have the same goal here. Bring Richard down and kill him.” He says snapping his fingers.

He makes it sound so simple but we both know that it is gonna be a tough task, Richard has his own trained men and it’s gonna be hard to shake his empire, he is the governor for fucks sake!

“We can’t trust him. He has too much information about us and the tale about my birth father?” I pause for a bitsy sec. “I can’t buy that.”

“We can’t trust him, that doesn’t mean we can’t work with him. Something tells me that he wants to see Richard fall as much as we do.”

“What if he is investigating you for him?”

“Richard ain’t the one to beat around the bush. He doesn’t do the investigation shit, he’d rather have his men torture information out of people.”

“He might be working for him, for all we know?” I wouldn’t be surprised.

“He can’t be working for him, I know all his men.” I don’t doubt that considering the fact that Jeremy is one of them and that Richard doesn’t keep anything from Lucas. But with men like Richard you can never know.

“What if he wants to kill us?” I can’t help the paranoia. “We have a target on our backs and we just can’t ignore that.”

“If the guy wanted to kill us, we would be dead by now, love. He had a perfect chance but we are still alive, ain’t we?” He asks tracing my lower lip with his thumb absently, his mind is a million miles away.

“I can’t help it, Lucas. So much has happened and I have lost way too many people. I can't lose someone else. ”

I am trying my best to push the fact that I just buried three members of my family today out of my mind. I don’t want to feel the pain so I am gonna act like nothing happened, I am gonna pretend that I didn’t just bury mom, dad and Elsa today.

If there was a way humans can turn off their humanity switch…I wouldn’t be feeling a thing right now.

I don’t know how long it is gonna last, but I am going to hold on to this perfect illusion where everything in my life is just so perfect. I am not sure if things will ever be the same between Lucas and I but at the moment he is a perfect distraction.

I can't deny that I still have feelings for him, I do feel him and after the sex we had today, I will never get him out of my mind. I am smitten, that’s a given. I love this boy and the feelings are now magnified.

“Hey,” he reaches for my chin and makes me look up at him.

He looks me in the eye for a long second and for a moment in there I thought he was going to kiss me. He cups me in his hands without breaking the eye contact and I lick on my lower instinctively. It’s funny how his stare makes me uncomfortable.

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