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“What do you want, Lucas?” she asks me with a sneer eyeing me with disdain.

She is looking at me like I am a disgusting piece of trash, like she would rather be wiping poops and pukes with her bare hands instead of listening to me. The way she eyes me reminds me that she deeply hates me and she doesn’t bother masking the loathing.

I was almost convinced that she still had feelings for me less than one hour ago but now I know better.

“To talk, if that is not too much to ask for.” it comes out as a plea but I guess it is not enough to soften her heart.

I did this to her, I caused this deep hatred she is harboring deep inside her beautiful heart.

Yes, I know she has a beautiful heart, I had the pleasure of seeing the soft side of Belle three years ago but I messed the very first chance I got and now she thinks I am a heartless monster. She is so convinced that I had something to do with what happened to Elsa and her family.

“In case you haven’t figured out,” she crosses her hands on her chest “I hate you and you’re the last person I wanted to set my eyes on.”


That cuts so deep. I knew Belle hates me, it is so evident in her eyes but hearing her confess her hatred for me feels so fucking brutal. She even stressed the ‘I hate you’. I guess her hatred for me runs down to the ocean floor.

“It is about your family.” I say hoping that softens her a little bit, but her facial expression doesn’t change. She is still eyeing me with contempt, like my presence makes her want to hurl.

“You think saying that will work magic on me? Like you’ll just say ‘it is about your family’ and then boom…” she snaps her fingers giving me a mock sneer.

“Belle changes her mind about you? You are a funny human being, Lucas.” She shakes her head laughing sarcastically for a transient second before saying.

“And so heartless, I can’t believe that I had actually fallen for a guy like you.” She scoffs. “Thank God I dodged a bullet.” She adds and I swallow dryly, I feel the knife in my heart twist and the heart ache is so real.

_You should have thought about how you felt for her three years ago_ My subconscious mocks me for the umpteenth time today. And I clench my teeth in an attempt to shut it up.

“I loved you, I still do.” I wasn’t going to confess that to her I just tongue-slipped and i have no intentions of trying to win her back I just want her to fucking trust me, is that too much to ask for?

“Good thing now you’ll know how it feels to love someone who doesn’t give a shit about you.” She smirks triumphantly at me and a lump forms in my throat.

“He only wants to help you, Belle.” Keith intercedes and she rolls her beautiful eyes at him. “And he has done a lot for your family, the least you can do is appreciate and hear him out.” good thing he is trying but we both know that won’t work for Belle.

“I am sure he wants to help, Keith. I am sure you all do.” She gives him a sweet sarcastic smirk and she takes a few steps towards Jake.

“Belle…” Jake starts to say but she stretches her hand out to stop him.

“Save your explanations Jake, believe me I really want us to be best friends again but a friend of my enemy can’t be my friend.” I see the crude pain in Jake’s eyes as Belle says the last four words in a lower tone before she practically snatches her clutch bag from him and spins on her heels.

“Belle, where are you going?” Nick asks her when she starts to walk away and she turns around to face us.

“Far away from all of you, especially him,” she points a finger at me.

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