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_Because i am his biological father._

The world fucking stops and i stand there staring at the evil man that's standing two steps away from me pointing a gun at Lee with his other free hand in his pocket. It takes a whole minute for the words to sink.

"NO FUCKING WAY!" I give him a once over and i shake my head in denial. "You can't be my birth father."

We have nothing in common. Different eye color, hair color, character. He is not my biological father.

He can't be.

"Please tell me that you are not the last born." He says turning to face me in a slow motion.

"I am not your son, Richard." I clarify that part for him and he just stands there watching me as i carefully get rid of the gloves.

"If he is your father then that makes me your half sister?" Lily says, it's more of a question than a statement, and as the realization sinks in i shift my gaze at her.

She is just standing there, next to her dad, her face is blank, emotionless.

She looks extremely lost and totally confused.

This is a fucked up shit.

"Does that mean you have been having sex with your..."

"Don't, Ian." I can't let him finish that. "He is not my father, there is no way in hell Lily and i share a DNA."

"Cut the bullshit, Richard." Lee tells him. "Lucas is not your biological son." Lee says just as Jeremy asks...

"Do you have any official report to back that up?" Jeremy asks.

"No, i am taking your mother's word for it."

"That solves everything. Shania was a lying manipulative piece of shit." Lee tells Richard who shakes his head in disappointment.

"You don't talk like that about your dead mother. She is your mother."

My brothers and i sneers and that infuriates Richard.

"Was. We disowned her when she betrayed dad." I tell Richard. "And don't pretend with us, we know you never loved her."

"I never loved her but you should show her some respect, she gave birth to you."

"Sadly, we were just a pawn in her game. She never loved us anyway." Jeremy sounds like he is trying to convince himself.

"Enough chit chat for the day, boys." Gilbert commands.   "I think he is lying."

"Why would you think that i am lying?" He asks shifting eyes to Gilbert.

"Nope," Keith says taking a step towards him. "I think he is trying to stall the time." He takes another calculated step, gun held firmly in his hands.

"Guys, he was having sex with mom and for all we know he might be Lucas' father." Jeremy can be so annoying at times.

"Not a major concern of mine right now," Keith says eyeing Richard suspiciously. "What's in your pocket?" He demands striding carefully towards him.

"Don't make another step." Caleb warns Keith who bravely takes another step giving him the 'what you gonna do look?'.

That provokes Caleb to fire at him but he swiftly dodges the bullet but i can't say the same about Caleb, Gilbert's shot gets him right on the head and the girls gasps as Caleb hits the ground with a thud.

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