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“I am going to see Jeremy, I guess I will talk to the two of you tomorrow?” I ask as i shove my phone inside my jean’s pocket looking at them.

“Right now? I thought we had plans.” Jake complains and I am tempted to roll my eyes at his level of intellect.

We had plans but Belle was included in our plans and she doesn’t even want to see us, me to be specific. We might as well postpone everything until she learns to trust me again, that might take centuries but I can be a patient man when I want something so bad.

I want her to trust me so bad. Too bad it didn’t cross my mind three years ago, i should have thought about it when I was busy breaking her heart into bitsy pieces.

Fuck! I messed up big time and I have a feeling that Belle will never forgive me.

“It is kinda urgent plus Belle hates me, she doesn’t even want to see Me.” a lump forms in my throat as I say those words. ‘Belle hates me’.

“You will drop me home first, i don’t have a car.” I forgot Nick had to take Keith’s car.

“I will drop you, I need to talk to Belle.” Jake offers casting me a murderous look as he hops out of my car and Keith follows.

“Don’t you dare take her to there.” I warn Jake.

“It is a crime scene plus I think she won’t be ready yet.” He tells me and I just nod.

“Keep me posted, Keith.” I tell him as I reverse out of the parking lots. I really hope that we will get better results tomorrow. I am crossing my fingers praying for the three of them to be okay.


I bless Robb for recommending Keith to me, the guy is doing a great job and I am paying him handsomely needless to mention all the favors I have been doing for him including helping Nick out of the asylum.

I don’t regret it, his services are worth it, plus Belle and Nick are very close. She could use a friend.

As jealous as I am, I’m glad that Belle has a shoulder to lean on. I can only imagine what she is going through right now, everything is fucking hard for her I don’t know what she would do without Nick.

I can’t do shit about how I feel for Belle, the least I can do is make sure she is safe and watch another man making her happy like I watched Randal.

Somehow the twerp made her laugh.

Nick strikes me as a gentle man but I can’t say that about carter. He didn’t deserve her, he is an asshole and I wasn’t surprised that he still do drugs what fucking pissed me is that he had to lure Belle into smoking weed before having sex with her. Who does that?

Keith has been investigating Richard too, initially Jeremy was seriously against it, he didn’t want us to let another person in but I don’t blame him, he has trust issues just like me. But after Keith gave me lots of information about Richard two weeks later after I hired him, Jeremy had no choice but to let him work with us, for us. I am pretty sure he would have exhausted everything about Richard if he wasn’t busy trying to find out who is behind everything that is happening to Belle’s family.

I put on some music when I hit the free way but I know it won’t work for me. Fuck! I can’t seem to think of anything else save for her and I let my mind take me back to the day I met her as I drive to Jeremy’s.

The first time I set my eyes on Belle, three years ago she was busy struggling Jake, unlike in many scenarios I can’t say I was attracted to her beauty the very first time I saw her since I could only see her back but her daringness intrigued me.

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