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I train my eyes on Belle as she traipses towards the bedroom and i sough. It is taking everything in me not to follow her in there, my hands are aching to hold her tight and watch her fall asleep in my arm, reminding her that I am there for her, I don’t want to give her a chance to think of her family’s demise and the fact that she will never see them again.

I don’t want to live her alone, she could use my presence. Not to brag but I think I am the only person who can handle her when she breaks down and I am the only person who can distract her enough. I am not talking about sex, she just seems naturally happy around me. And I want to see her happy, though we all know that her happiness is short-lived. She will break down sooner than later but we will be there to help her through it.

I am hopelessly in love with her and I would do anything for her. I will break all the rules and all the promises for her.

Dad made us believe that a woman is the downfall of every man, but maybe he was wrong. Some girls are the reason why some men want to be good, and that can’t be a bad thing. My brothers always reminded me that no woman is worth risking our plan for, but trust me. Belle is worth risking everything for, I was just a fool not to see that three years ago.

“Don’t get your hopes up, you are just her rebound.” Nick is brutal enough to remind me that Belle is just using me.

“At least I am something to her. A rebound is better than nothing.” I say smirking, pretending that he didn’t just hurt my feelings.

For Belle, I will settle for anything as long as I get a chance to be with her. A rebound, a distraction... as long as it makes her happy. I just want her to be happy.

I broke her heart and honestly I didn’t expect to win her back in a week or two, I know will have to sweat for it. But hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Like I said. Baby steps.

"You still have hope and that will crush you eventually." Like he is not crushing my heart right now. He is brutally honest with me, something that I don’t really appreciate. “I know she still have feelings for you but she might never give you another chance.” Nick adds and I glare at him.

“You think?” He is just her best friend and he does not make decisions for her.

“I thought you were blind to the fact that you are just a distraction. Man, you’re smitten.” That’s Keith giggling. 

"Always have, I just don't understand how he let her go three years ago." Jake says. “The two were my opt.”

"I was on a mission and she wasn’t my first priority back then. I thought letting her go was the better choice but that was my biggest mistake,” I should have fought for her, I should have defended her against Richard.

“What makes you think that you are ready to put her first, especially with everything that has been happening?" Keith asks.

"I almost lost her to death, Keith. It was such a horror watching her fight for her life but miraculously we got her back.” I pause as the memories of Belle on the hospital bed floods my mind. “I don't know what i would have done, i was almost loosing it but Life gave her a second chance. I have been given a second chance to make everything right, to do right by her and that’s exactly what i am going to do. I realized that getting everything back from Richard would have been so vain without the love of my life, so i am going to put her first. Trust me, i learnt my lessons."

"Are you sure you want to jeopardize everything you and your brothers have worked so hard for all these years for Belle?” Keith asks. “Lily will obviously find out that you are in love with Belle and she will break up with you.”

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