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"I can't wait to see Richard's face when we reveal to him who we really are." I say stopping the car right besides Ian's

Richard knows that the three of us are brothers and it took him five fucking years and i can't wait to see his face when we tell him our real surname.

"That makes the two of us and i will make sure he begs for mercy." Lee tells me rolling his window down. "Get in, buddy." He tells Ian who is busy scrolling his phone.

"You and i will go with him," Keith tells Lee making to hop out of the car.

"You can't, they are supposed to report to Richard immediately they spot a new face around this area, you can't come with me." Seems like Richard's men are overly royal and they obey even the lightest order as long as it comes from him.

"We can just go, they are obviously expecting us." I suggest. "I am sure we can take six men down."

"Expect he just told us to make sure you are not armed plus he won't let the rest in." Ian tells us.

"That's bullshit! They are armed, they don't really expect us to walk in without weapons." Gilbert says. "I think i can handle this." I eye him skeptically through the rear view mirror and i shake my head.

He is furious and yet very calm, i wonder how he does that.

"We are not taking any chances." Lee says. "No one is supposed to get hurt."

"We have to act. With or without guns, some of us will shed a little blood." He says shifting eyes from Lee to Keith. "This is a bloody war and some things are inevitable." I know he is right, but there is no way we are blindly going for a suicide mission.

"We have Lily and it's damn time we use her." Ian tells us. "She is our strongest weapon."

"And they have Belle." Gilbert reminds him.

"Richard won't do anything stupid, he can't risk Lily or Josh." I say turning to look at Lily.

I don't know why i keep expecting her to panic yet she is all composed. She seems to have lots of faith in her dad. She is convinced that he won't let anything happen to her and we are all counting on that.

Lily thinks this is us using her to get Belle back and that's where she has it wrong. I would be making peace with my creator in her shoe.

"We have the upper hand, if anything." Keith tells Gilbert. "We should be calling the shots."

"Without any weapon, we are nothing." Lee says more to himself. "We can't take such a huge risk."

"Guys whatever you are doing, do it fast. He is starting to get suspicious and i can't mess with the cams for long." Jeremy tells us.

"Let's get this done with guys." Gilbert tells us after issuing some instructions.

"Take care you all, we can't afford to lose anyone else to that fucker. He took a lot from us." Lee tells us as he hops out of the car to join Ian.

"You too, brother. Play safe." He grins as he helps me out of the car.

"I will kick your ass if you get all impulsive. We have a plan so stick to it." That's a strict order from my elder brother.

"I promise." I say getting the door.

"And Lucas, i love you and want you in one piece." I nod a smile pulling on my lips as i get to the back seat.

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