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Either I am panicking or I am overly furious. I can’t figure out the emotion that I am having right now but i can feel every muscle in my body tightening and my jaw is all set. My heart is racing wildly and my nostrils are flaring. My knuckles are turning white from gripping the wheel tight and adrenaline is surging through me in massive waves.

I take long breaths an attempt to calm myself down lest I cause an accident but it is not working.

_He fucking hired someone to follow us?_ He is a dead man!

I keep glancing at my side mirrors to make sure that I am not followed as I drive wildly on the highway, overtaking carelessly and honking at the other drivers like a psycho.

I don’t know how I manage to get home alive but ten minutes later I am pulling my car in the driveway, next to Jeremy’s. I didn’t know I could drive that wild and that fast. I should start racing, who knows? I might make lots of money from it, I think I can beat those guys from Fast and Furious.

I hop out of the car and I lock it as I look around for anyone or anything suspicious.

When I am pretty convinced that no one was following me, I hastily stride to the house.

They are busy plotting against Richard. Keith is sketching something on a piece of paper, Jake is busy with his laptop and the rest are busy listening to Gilbert as they hoist their beers. I think Lee and Gilbert spent their years in prison plotting the revenge.

“Is Annabelle okay?” Gilbert asks and the rest shifts their Attention to me.

“Yes, she is safe.” I say reaching for a bottle of bear and I empty the content in three gulps as Gilbert continues telling them his mighty plan. I can’t quite gather whatever he is saying, my mind is just all over the place.

I need something stronger than a beer, I can’t do this with a sober mind. I set the bottle of beer on the table and i walk over to the cellar to get myself a bottle of whisky.

I do a few shots before flopping myself on the couch next to Gilbert holding onto the bottle of whiskey and I watch them blankly as I take gulps from the bottle.

“Are you seriously going to get yourself drunk while the rest of us plan on the attack?” Lee asks me snatching the bottle in my hands and I groan when he accidentally pour some whiskey on my shirt.

“You are all drinking too and I am not complaining.” I defend myself and Lee shakes his head disapprovingly at me.

“There is a difference between drinking and getting yourself drunk, asshole.” He scolds me before he takes a gulp of the whiskey. “We need a sober you not a drunk Lucas.” He places the half bottle of whiskey on the table and I sit upright.

I take a long deep breath and releasing it magically helps settle my mind.

“Richard knows that Lee is our brother.” I say sighing.

“What do you mean?” Lee is the first one to react.

“How did you know that he knows?” Jeremy asks me and they wait for me to narrate.

“He sent me this.” I say scrolling my gallery for the photo and I hand it to Gilbert.

“It was taken earlier this morning outside the prison.” He observes and Jeremy practically grabs the phone from him. 

“Lee Parker, Lucas Parker and Jeremy Parker. Brothers?” He reads the caption out loud and Lee grits his teeth when Jake shows him the photo.

“The fucker had one of us followed. That asshole.” Lee cusses, his hands balling into fists and he furiously connects his fisted hand with the wall, bursting his knuckles. I am not surprised, that’s how Lee behaves when he gets furious. He kicks at the nearest thing.

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