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I wake up at around 8:00 am and i smile to myself.  Belle is tightly coiled in my arms, her right thigh sandwiched between mine and she has an arm placed across. She is facing me and trust me there is no better sight than to wake up to  the face of that one girl that you love.

It is the most beautiful thing.

Her massive hair is spread all over the bed and a few strands are stuck on her face. She has some tangled strands around her beautiful face forming a beautiful halo.

I am tempted to tuck the few strands on her face away to have a better view of her but i can't risk waking her up. She had a few nightmares last night and it's best if she sleeps in. I know she needs it.

Her lips are slightly parted in an inviting manner and it is taking everything in me not to kiss this beautiful girl that is sleeping soundly next to me.

She looks very innocent. In a sexy attractive way.

I stretch my hand to take my phone in the night stand, carefully not to wake her up and i snap several photos of her. I am all smiles as i go through them.

She is so fucking beautiful.

I place my phone under the pillow totally ignoring all the texts that Lily sent me last night.

She is so demanding and i can't wait to completely be done with her. Once we come up with a good master plan, i won't have to pretend to like her anymore.

She has been a total pain in the ass.

I should be doing this more often, checking Belle out. I just hope she will give me a second chance. I would spend the rest of my mornings checking her out and i would spend my every second of my remaining life making her happy.

She hasn't known happiness the better part of her life and that's what i want to give her. Happiness. By all means.

I came here immediately after Keith suspended our meeting last night. She was with Jessica and they were laughing so hard at something but they stopped laughing immediately i stepped inside. I told Jessica to give us a minute although i had no intentions of leaving the room, and that's how i displaced Jess.

I cuss in a whisper when my phone chimes under the pillow just next to her a few minutes later and I quickly grab it.

I have a text from Jeremy popping on the screen.

Get ready, i am picking you up at your place in a few. _Jer_

I read the text twice hoping that it is not an emergency we are attending to.

What's up? _L_

I text him back immediately.

I should be asking you the same thing. _Jer_

I don't understand. _L_

You said we should visit P ASAP.  _Jer_

I sigh a little bit irritated.

P is the letter we use when talking about Lee through the phone or whenever we are chatting.

P for Parker.

Richard might be hacking our converstion for all we know. He hacked my computer's password and got information about Belle, the last thing we want is him to know that Lee is our brother.

We can't risk it.

We were supposed to go undercover but Lee let his rage take over and he murdered Lilly's mother. He risked exposing all of us, good thing we hadn't introduced him to Richard as our brother.

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