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"We need to visit Lee tomorrow." Jerr proposes.

We are lounging on the couch, watching the repeat of Man U vs. Chelsea after emptying several bottles of bear. We drank ourselves silly. Or rather I drank myself silly.

I am hurting so much and needed something to cool me off, it is a good thing that Jeremy offered to be my drinking buddy.

I am still in a drinking spree but the responsible brother wouldn’t let me open the sixth bottle. Such a mood killer, right?

Belle. She is all I am thinking of, I almost lost her and it’s is all my fault. I can't help it but beat myself for it.

I don’t know how am supposed to live with the fact that she hates me. It is breaking every fiber in me. I am so broken and there is nothing I can do about it.

I wish Belle had even the slightest idea of how much i love her.

If only she knew how much, just how much she means to me?

To be honest, i have never liked a girl the way i do her...i guess the word is love.

I love her. So fucking much.

I might be a shitty person, scratch that. I am a shitty person…Jake already concluded that. I treated Belle like shit but i had my own reasons, i did everything for her and partly for me but generally for her.

That was the most selfless and the most selfish thing i have ever done. Without including the fact that I am using Lily to get to her dad, that is selfish too, she is innocent and she didn’t have to get involved but she happened to be an easy target.

The apple of Richard’s eyes, we all know Richard would do anything for Lily. He adores his only child so much.

"Yeah, it's been almost two weeks." I slur as i rest my head on the armrest.

"I really hope our plans go through." He is desperate just as i am.

I hopelessly want it to push through and I can’t wait to see Richard going down.

Imagine a life without Lily and Richard? A life with Belle, my brothers and all of my friends?

"We are making progress." I say just as my phone blasts out.

I reach for it and I groan in frustrations when Lily's name flash on the screen. I am not in the mood for her dramas right now so i send her straight to voicemail.

She is the last person i want to talk to right now.

"Everything will blow out of proportion if you start treating Lily like some piece of shit," Jerr reminds me that for the umpteenth tonight.

"You don't know how it sucks being stuck with a girl you don't even love, a person you've never had feelings for, Jerr. Especially if the person in question is as demanding and as bitchy she is."

"Thank God you still have your freedom Lee on the other hand is in prison.” He tells me sarcastically.

“Are you trying to make me feel bad? It is really working.”

“Lee, you and I are a pack. The three of us are in this together and any stupid decision you make will affect all of us.” He stresses the words all of us.

“I would be so frustrated if we ended up losing this battle. We have worked our asses off for the last sixteen years, we planned this sixteen years ago…don’t blow it for Love. It is not worth.” That’s so deep.

"Lily obviously has nothing important to tell me, just wants to get laid. Probably.”

"Call her back, Lucas!" I roll my eyes as i take my phone to call Lily and she answers almost immediately.

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