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"Richard has Belle?" I mumble to myself staring at my phone's screen blankly for a minute too long as Jeremy's words try to sink in.

I feel fucking confused and nothing is adding up. Either i hit my head so hard or whatever they used to sedate me is so strong. I’m betting on the last one.

Weird enough I don’t have a swell and I don’t feel any pain whatsoever.

I am positive that I’ve never mentioned Belle’s name in Jeremy’s presence, so there is no way he is messing with my head.

And I am also cocksure that Richard doesn’t know Belle. I would give it a benefit of doubt Because Richard happens to know lots of people, if Belle was extraverted. But she ain’t, she’s practically spent her whole life shunning people.

Richard can’t have a motive to hurt Belle, right? They’ve never crossed paths.

_You cheated on his daughter with Belle._

I have doubts that he would hurt her because I cheated on Lily with her. He did nothing when Lily told her about Taylor, well, save for lecturing me in her presence and that was it. He knew about Cassie too and he didn’t do shit, he didn’t lecture me about it and he didn’t say a word to Lily.

So why does he even have her?

_Jeremy was alarmed._ his voice was a mere whisper and he hanged up before I could say anything.

Now that gives me creeps.

He wouldn’t call me so alarmed if something fishy wasn’t going on.

Nothing is adding up. And I am lost in my thoughts.

I frantically dial Jeremy's number but he doesn’t answer the first, the second and the third ring, and Belle sends me straight to voicemail. I furiously clutch my phone very conscious of Jake’s eyes on me the entire time.

“Where is Belle? What happened to her?” I ask Jake and watch him run his fingers on his hair nervously before shifting comfortlessly on the lounge and i know right then that she is not okay.

I can only hope against hope that she is not in Richard’s filthy hands right now or any other fucked up shit. I don’t know what I would do.

“Dammit! Answer me man, is she alright?” i snap at him and he takes a long breath before whipping his head to fully face me.

“Wind down, dude. You’re in a hospital bed.” I laugh despite everything. He really doesn’t expect me to do that.

“Answer the damn question, Jake. Is she fucking okay?”

“I don’t want you fretting over her, at least not for now?”

_She is not okay._

“Elsa and Robb are with her, she is fine.” Jake has never been a good liar and he is not about to start.

“I am not buying that shit, tell me what happened.” I demand.

Deep down, i feel she is not okay but I can’t figure out what happened.

_Richard has Belle._

_Elsa and Robb are with her._

One of them is lying…_Jake is lying to me._

Jerr’s words play in my mind and I ruminate calling Richard but I briskly push the thought away, I should grasp what is going on first, that way I will know how to approach him. If Richard has Belle then there got to be something that she did to provoke him.

_What did dad do to instigate what he did to him?_

Richard can’t hurt Belle. I am sure whatever it is can’t be serious.

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