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If i said Lucas is good in bed, i take it back.


He is not good, he is fucking great in bed.

He knows exactly how to please a woman, where to touch, how to make love, and damn if that doesn’t make me want him in some insane way.

I am insatiable, the more he pleases me the more I want him to continue making love to me. He is lasting insanely long but I am kinda crazy and selfish to want him to last longer. I have this craving, an urge that won’t go away. I just want him to make it go away.

Only him.

I don’t want this to end, it feels like heaven and the magic feels so strong. I want to hold to this feeling, it is pure bliss.

I have never had anyone worship my body the way Lucas is doing. He is leaving a set of fireworks every time his hands lands on my skin and i can't begin to explain how it feels every time he thrusts inside me.

For some crazy reasons I feel like the bond between us is getting stronger, like I am being attached to him by a force that I can’t see but i can feel it, literally. And I am afraid of getting addicted. It can’t be a good thing. I can’t get used to this.

Especially with everything that has happened between us. Everything that i have succeeded to push away during this moment of pleasure lest i destroy the moment of passion between us.

He is driving me to the edge, yet again, and i can't wait to scream his name when he gives me my third orgasm today.

We have been making love tirelessly for the past two hours lucky for me, the man on top is an expert and he wants to please me by all means, I swear the pleasure he is giving me is worth it. It is worth everything.

I had no freaking idea that my day would end this way that I would end up fucking Lucas today. It is sanity.

And i so love it.

"Look at me, love." He orders me as he goes deeper in a slow motion and i do exactly that, a moan escaping me.

I am taking his every command, like a robot. Reciprocating his touches and those sweet kisses that leave me wanting more, more than he is offering.

I look deep into his eyes, his dark grey eyes and i notice something different in them, a sparkle.

There is a sparkle, so bright and so dominant. You can’t miss it. The last time I saw his eyes shine this bright we were about to make love but my fears crept in and you all know how it went down. He ended up in a hospital bed.

"I love you, Belle. So damn much." He says with so much intensity, leaving no room for me to doubt him as he move inside me still maintaining the eye contact.

The way he is moving inside me, like he has been waiting for this moment all his life. The way he is teasing me and nibbling at my skin as he make love to me, making me squirm underneath him.

The way he is looking at me as he thrust inside, like i am some gem. So precious to him, like he would lose everything if i slip off his fingers again.

Like he doesn't want to lose me again. Like i mean so much to him. At the moment, he looks like he can do anything for me and i don't need his words to know that he loves me, insanely.

All of that makes me fall harder for him. His stares make my heart skip a beat.

"I know this is probably..." i hush him crossing my index finger across his lips vertically.

I know what he wanted to say, and i don't want to go down that road, not right now. I want to savor the feeling, relish in the sweet pleasure he is giving me at the moment and forget everything else.

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