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Lily seems mortally exhausted by the time we get to our destination. Her blonde hair was initially in a tight bun but right now, it is all over her face. Her skin is pale and she is all sweaty; her beautiful dress is all dirty and severally torn.

Too much pain for a princess, daddy will be pissed.

Miraculously, she doesnt have a broken limb given the number of times that she fell on our way here, yet no one pushed her. Her high heels and the tight long gown didn't exactly make it easier for her to walk through such a thick forest. But she wouldnt take the damn shoes off. She kept whining every time a twig gored her precious skin.

Lily has never had it rough in life, she has super rich parent that would bring heaven to her. Something her father took from us. Richard took that chance from; Lee, Jeremy, Belle, Ian, Andrew and i. Unlike Belle and the rest of us who have suffered every pain, Lily has lived her life like a royalty.

Daddys only daughter. The spoiled princess, who is used to getting everything that she wants. I know Richard loves Lily way too much, way too much.

She is wiser than I gave her credit for. She obeyed every order and she kept her mouth shut too. I didnt expect that from her but it worked to her advantage. We didn't have to hurt her. I was kinda expecting her to throw a tantrum and i was so ready to make her shut it. 

The abandoned house is in the middle of a very thick forest and according to Keith, it is exactly twenty meters from the highway and it is where he does all his dirty work. It looks dirty literally, and the place is practically falling apart. I dont get the reason why Keith locks the place, one can kick his way inside.

Dont move, Gilbert orders Lily and I walk to open the rusty door. I take the key that Keith gave me but to my surprise, the door aint even locked. You can still kick it open even if it was.

“Not locked. I alert Gilbert as I kick the door open, holding my gun in my hands very ready to attack.

Check inside. Gilbert orders me, tossing me his flashlight.

For some reasons, I am taking every order from him like a puppet.

First, he reminds me so much of my dad. They dont look alike and they have no physical resemblance but they have something in common. The two lost everything to Richard; dad lost his properties and his life to the mother fucker and Gilbert lost his family and a huge part of his life.

Thanks to Richard Belle grew without his biological father. I had my brothers and Uncle Charles, Belle on the other hand had no one.

Second, he is way too older than me and he obviously has a lot of experience. Something tells me that he has plotted the revenge against Richard for more than a decade.

Third, he is Belles father and for some weird reasons, I want to make an impression.

Lastly, I know this will be a shocker. I like him. I was skeptical about him initially but not anymore. If anything, I am glad that he is here. Belle is just lucky to have his father back. I would give everything to see mine again

I step inside and I am surprised to see another wall and another door.  Its like a house inside a house. Only that the walls are stronger wall unlike the first one.

There is another door. I tell Gilbert as I unlock the door and he instructs me to check if its all clear.
I walk in cautiously with the gun on the right side and the flashlight on the other hand and I am amazed. The place looks tiny, cozy and clean, quite the opposite of what I expected.

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