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"You can’t be alive, i personally drove a bullet through your head and i know you didn't ride out that...please tell me you are real...ghosts can communicate, right?" I am overly shocked and totally scared right now.

I really want to believe that she is alive, nothing would make me happy than being with my biological mom again. She is just looking at me, tears flowing down her cheeks and she has not said another word to me.

I desperately want her to be real.

"I didn't want to shoot you but i didn't have much of a choice... they were going to kill me plus I was pretty convinced that you were already dead and…I shot Bella too." I say wiping the tears rolling down from my eyes.

"I am so sorry, I swear i loved you both but they were going to kill me." I am sobbing and she is just standing there watching me and doing nothing, saying nothing. Like she is just here to torment me because she is so angry at me for shooting her.

Yes it is working.

"Please don't do this, mom. I have suffered for what i did for the last twenty years and the last thing i want is a ghost haunting me for something i didn't do willingly." She is emotionless save for the tears running down her cheeks and it is difficult to tell what she is here for.

Am I hallucinating or is my mind playing tricks on me.

She talked like my mom and the voice was her’s. She looks exactly like her; the blonde massive hair, same eye color, she stands like her. She died twenty years ago but she is standing here so flesh so alive. She doesn’t look like a ghost, she looks real.

"You killed Anna?" she finally decides to talk as she wipes her tears furiously.


Did she just ask if I killed Anna? She is not Anna? She is not my…mother?

“You killed my sister?” She questions me calmly. “You killed your own mother, Belle?” she eyes me accusingly and her voice is slightly raised.

"You are not my mom?" I ask dubiously. I am so confused, I didn’t know mom had a twin sister. She never talked about her family and I assumed that maybe she didn’t have any relative, I am surprised that she had a sister.

An identical twin sister that she never cared to mention?


“You killed my sister and my niece. Why, Belle?” a lump start forming in my throat and I swallow audibly. She doesn’t think I killed them on purpose, does she?

Yeah I think so, the way she is eyeing me with contempt…like she wants to rip my head off.

“Who are you?”

"I am Anna’s twin sister. Identical." She says taking a step towards me and I involuntary jerk away stepping on the shards of glasses scattered on the floor. “I came here in search for my sister and I didn’t know she died, that her own daughter killed her.” she breaks down suddenly.

"My mom had a twin sister? She never bothered to mention that to us." I say leaning on her table, my eyes not trailing away from her teary face. “And if you missed a word…I said I didn’t have a choice and that they were already dead.”

“Our parent disowned her and she decided to cut ties with each one of us. She freed…” she carefully sits on the office couch and she is starting to calm down.

“Why would they disown their own child?” it doesn’t even make sense. I have done shit load of thing to my adopted parents but they still love me…they never even disowned me yet I wasn’t their biological child.

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