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“Hello everyone, I am really sorry our new administrator won’t be joining us tonight, she has an urgent emergency to attend to but that doesn’t mean we won’t proceed.” Derrick our care manager who doubles as our wing matron tells us and some people groan in disappointments.

Personally I am too frustrated to mind, her presence won’t make a difference in my life and I don’t even care if she comes or not. I can’t believe they threw this party to welcome someone who is too busy to even attend her own welcome party. It doesn’t even make sense to me.

“Tonight is a very special night and we really have so many things to do. So I am requesting you to grab a plate of food and a glass of cocktail in the next thirty minutes before we start.” he motions the Dj to put on some music as she walks of the dinky stage.

“I can’t believe they threw this party to welcome someone who didn’t even show up.”

“I am sorry for what I said earlier.” Nick tells me when I turn towards him. “About Randal.” Yeah, that was rude but so true.

“Randal is a dick and you got nothing to apologize for. He didn’t love me enough.”

“I know there is a chance that Tanya moved on. The probability is actually high.” He chuckles awkwardly, he has finally conceded. “But when you love someone so much, too deep and for so long…like I do her.” he soughs and pauses for a while.

“You would want to believe, Belle. You would want to hope…you know…you would have faith and you’d want to trust that she is still waiting for you.” I can practically feel the pain in his heart as he tells me this. He is so wounded.

“You know why?” I have never heard Nick talking like this before, he is so emotional and in his eyes I can see it…the vulnerability, he is hurting. “Because i can only hope.” Another awkward chuckle.

“I am starving, are you hungry?” I don’t know what to say to him, that was so deep but I can’t be the one to give him false hopes.

“Yeah, let’s go.” He stands up taking my hand in his as we walk to the buffet.

“I thought this was a farewell party.” I tell Nick as I serve myself some roasted chicken, white rice and some veggies.

“I wasn’t really ready to watch you go.” We giggle as we walk back to our table.

“Can I join you guys?” Jess asks and she places her plate of fries and grilled chicken on the table.

“Why not?” Nick asks her and she shrugs before pulling the only empty chair back and sitting down.

“I knew you would do that.” she tells me in between laughter when I steal a fry.

“This party sucks.” I tell no one in particular while chomping on the salivating piece of chicken.

“You can say that again.”


“I know you are all wondering why we are still here yet our guest of honor postponed her visit.” Derrick says when he gets to the stage after an hour of refreshments and music. “This is a welcome party slash a farewell party,” that causes uproar among us.

People are shouting in excitement and I can’t keep calm. I might be going home tomorrow. I will see my family again, after three good years. I miss them so much.

I know everyone is desperately hoping to be the lucky one save for Nick. He is so selfless.

“I told you.” He whispers to me. “You might go home tomorrow; I will miss you when you are gone,” we have been friends for three years and the bond between us is so fucking strong.

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