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“Bloody fantastic!” I mutter in between my clenched teeth as I step out banging the door behind me furiously. I have gone to every room and there is nothing, not even a damn notice for me.

They didn’t leave anything behind, clearly they didn’t think about me before making such a decision or they had given me up already…or something forced them to evacuate hastily.

What if something extremely bad happened to them?

I don’t want to give in to that, I know nothing happened to them. I want to strongly believe and hope that they are all safe but then there is a probability that something might have happened to them. All their phones didn’t go through. That is nothing to take lightly.

It is very unusual.

I was really looking forward to seeing them again but seems like fate had other plans for me today. I have no single idea where they are or what fucking happened to them. I don’t want to list down all the possibilities of what might have happened but I can’t help but panic over it.

I can feel it.

“Are you okay?” the cab driver ask me when I start sniffling in the back seat. “I have a daughter and that makes me a father. You can talk to me,” he is so chummy, he reminds me of my dad and how much I miss them.

“I am okay, I will be okay,” I say forcing a smile at him in the rear view mirror as I wipe my tears away.

_It’s going to be fine, Belle._ I whisper to myself as I fasten the seat belt.


Nick’s place is a twenty minutes drive from home, or rather what I used to call home three years ago. I double check the address before making my payments and getting out of the car.

“Hey.” The driver calls out and i whip my head around to his direction. I almost laugh when I see him sticking his head out through the window in a very comic manner. “You are a strong girl and you will overcome whatever thing you are going through, okay.” maybe all I needed was a word of encouragement or someone to remind me that I am strong. He just did.

“Thanks.” I say an actual smile tugging on my lips and I stand there watching blankly as he reverse the car back to the free way.

Such a great personality.

“You are strong, Belle. You will overcome.”

I repeat his words as I strut to the door. The house is slightly bigger that ours and quite classy, I must admit his mom had an excellent taste. I ring the bell once before sliding my hands in my hoodie waiting impatiently for him to open the door.

“Nick.” I practically fly in his arms when he opens the door and I break down when he holds me tight.

“It is going to be okay.” he says rubbing my back in an assuring manner and I concentrate on letting every tear that I was holding back out.

Does my life have to be this complicated and rough and painful? All the damn time?

“What if something bad happened to them?” I ask shutting my eyes tight trying to shut that out.

“Hey, don’t over think, they are fine and we will trace them.” Nick tells me pulling me out and holding me at his arms length. “You should be optimistic. Everything will be okay.” He says looking at me in the eye.

“I tried to contact them on my way here but all their phones didn’t go through. What if they don’t want anything to do with me?” I can’t help it, there is nothing to be optimistic about.

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