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The phone conversation i had with Jeremy thirty minutes ago keeps playing in my mind as i walk to the door.

_You know I hate it when you are distracted, we have a mission to accomplish and Belle is a distraction we would do without._
_What are you implying?_
_How about a beer? I am waiting for you._

Maybe i have been investigating the wrong person all along...what if Jeremy is the one behind the attacks?

But why would he do that? I am not defending him, i trust my brothers very much but not when it comes to a girl that i so love. I know they would stop at nothing to get back what is rightfully ours from 'uncle' Richard.

Lee has killed several people who tried to get in the way and i won't be surprised that either him or Jeremy had a hand in this.

Richard had a motive too. Belle told Randal the truth so Richard decided to go on with his threat, he had Elsa attacked?

Initially Richard succeeded in convincing me that he had nothing to do with what happened to Elsa. In his defense...he has professional hit men that could have killed Elsa without leaving traits behind, he would have killed Belle the very first chance he got but he spared her and lastly he argued that he didn't even know that Belle had told anyone the truth.

That was making sense because only Jeremy and i had the access to my room and computer, until i came to realize that Richard had access to my computer. He tried to lie that he only saw the video recently but i can't buy that.

Jerr is a suspect too but Richard still is my main suspect.

I ring the bell impatiently and it takes a whole two minutes for Jeremy to open the door.

"Do you have anything to do with what have being happening to Belle's family?" I ask squinting my eyes at him suspiciously and he creases his eyebrows at me.

"Answer me, Jerr." My voice is dangerously calm.

"Why would i do that?" He asks me after a second of silence.

"You sounded pretty irritated earlier on, like you'd do anything to keep her out of our way." _Like Ryan did with Lily's mother_.

"I am not Ryan, i have a heart and i know how much she means to you plus she has been through a lot." I know Jerr is nothing close to our older brother Ryan, but that doesn't make him an Angel.

"I don't believe you." My voice is low and i am eyeing Jeremy like i can get the truth out of him by looking at his face.

"I had a chance to kill her three years ago but i didn't. So why would i try to hurt her family now?"

They are all giving me this crap....Richard asked me the same question too when i confronted him again three days ago.

I still can't believe that he took back his words after ordering his men to kill her that was the first time Richard took back his order. He spared Belle's life for reasons only known to him and he seemed to pity her after what he did to.

I must admit that was a very risky thing for him to do, he risked Belle selling him out and i had to make sure that Belle didn't spill the beans, for her own sake.

"You think so low of me." Jerr says and then something hits me...Ryan.

He vowed to get rid of anything/ anyone that would get in between us and the promise we made to Dad.

"Have you ever told Ryan anything about Belle?" I don't know if i am making any sense.

"That's not my story to tell." He pauses for a while. "Wait, you don't think Ryan had anything to do with it, do you?"

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