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"I sure as hell didn't expect a sneer." He tells me stepping out of his car like a celebrity who's ready to walk on a red carpet and i watch with disgust as he leans on it smugly like he is posing for some celebrity photos for a popular magazine.

"Your presence nauseates me." If the words do not tell  him that i am bored, then my tone should. It is the second time i am seeing him and something tells me that he is trouble, i am getting a weird vibe.

"I must say, i missed that sassy attitude of yours and that pretty face." He says with a suggestive smirk totally ignoring what i have said and i swear it takes every ounce of myself control not to spit on his smug ugly face right now, actually i am tempted to do worse. I wouldn't mind dismembering his face.

I am not the nicest person in existence, you all can attest to that. I am rehabilitated but trust me being mean is a huge part of me that a million years in a shelter can't scrub away. It comes out naturally.

"I can't say the same about you, i would do literally anything to never see that ugly face of yours ever again. You make me want to gag. He puts on a hurt expression." "Please be kind enough to take your ass back to your car and never again show up in front of me."

"Aren't you even a little bit curious to know who your birth father is?" Judging from his face, he was expecting to intrigue me with the epic topic of my biological father.

Well, shock on him i am not even in the slightest bit intrigued. I don't know if he is lying or not because i am not interested in anything he has to say.

"I don't like politics but trust me i would rather sit down with my worst enemy and a whinny bitch discussing the current state of the state than stand here and listen to your tale about my birth father." He cocks his eyebrows at me, inaudibly asking if i am serious.

"You are kidding, right. I mean, every person in their right mind would be a little curious to know who their biological father is."

"Not me. I guess that's what makes me unique." I smirk at him.

"We both know that deep down you are curious to know who he is."I laugh.

Not the sarcastic kind of laughter, honestly i find this hilarious. A stranger who came out of nowhere with tales about a man i have never met. Somebody tell me this ain't funny.

He has no idea how wrong he is. Why would i want to know the man who made my mother pregnant and left her all alone to fend for two beautiful princesses?

Who would want to see the man who has never set his eyes on his daughters. Does he even have an idea that we existed? That i am alive and my twin died? Does he know that his baby mama was brutally murdered. Would he even want to know? Would he give a shit about me?

Am i curious to know anything about him?

The answer to the question is NO.

_That was me twenty years ago. _ The innocent five year old girl would have ben so earger to meet her father or any other relative.

"Oh my God! Please take me to my biological dad. I am so excited and very earger to know him..." He smiles triumphantly at me. "And ask where he has been for the last twenty five years." He didn't see that coming i smile when his fades and Lucas giggles.

_Oh my God, i am such a good actress._

That wasn't sarcastic enough, was it? "Now take a fucking hint and leave." I had no idea that i was capable of being calm given the circumstances.

"Sarcastic now? Ain't we?" And he ain't furious at me.

He makes a step towards me and Lucas cocks his gun at him, instinctively coming completely between me and him, shielding me fully.

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