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I roll my window down and i sigh in relief when the wind starts to blow my hair all over the place. It is therapeutic and God knows how much i need it. Soft music is playing moderately and I am swaying my head to the tune.

I don't know what i am feeling but i know how i am feeling. My heart is aching, not new though. I have been having heartaches ever since time immemorial. I have a mild headache, i am feeling weak, and i want to disappear from this world.

I didn't expect to feel anything after seeing Gilbert. Hell, i didnt want to feel at all. But when i set my eyes on him for the very first time, emotions overwhelmed me. I felt them surging through me in massive waves; pain, pity, hate, empathy name it all. But I still managed to assume a calm posture.

When he called me Annabelle, something in the way he called me made me shed a tear and i started having a serious heartache. I couldnt bear it anymore so I decided to walk out. I stood in front of him for a second and I ran out crying.


I turn towards Lucas when i feel his eyes on me.

Checking me out? He just shakes his head his lips pulling into a small smile.

"We are here." I turn my head to the back seat but Nick and Jess are already out. I watch as Lucas steps out and a second later he opens the door for me. I take his hand when he offers to help me and i carelessly step out of the car.

"I would stay with you but i have some place that i need to be." He tells me taking both of my hands and i let him. "I promise everything will be okay."

"This is my life, Lucas. Nothing will ever be okay." It has been twenty years of immense pain. Twenty damn years and nothing has changed.

"Don't say that." He tells me locking eyes with me and I bat my eyelids to keep the tears at bay.

"I am cursed. Death follows me everywhere I go." A tear rolls down my cheek but he quickly wipes it away with his thumb and he pulls me in his arms.

"I love you Belle, i really do." His words are comforting.

I have lost everything and everyone that i called family but i am glad that i have someone who loves me the way Lucas and Nick do. It makes me feel safe and wanted.

"I believe you," I say pulling away. My hands find their way into cupping his face and without thinking twice i kiss him on the lips. "Stay safe, i can't lose somebody else that i love."

"Does that mean that you still..." His eyes are glowing as he asks the question.

"Love you? Yes you fool, i never stopped, Lucas." He catches me by surprise when his lips capture mine and he kisses me intensively. And when I kiss him back, he deepens the kiss.

"I will come back to you in one piece, love. I promise." He tells me before pulling me in a bear hug.

"Please tell me that was a make-up kiss." Jess shrieks and Lucas groans.

Your friend is so annoying. He whispers in my ears before I pull away and I chuckle.

"I am tired of waiting for you two to make up." Jess adds.

"That, was the beginning of something new," Jess shrieks and Lucas has a grin on his face when he turns to face me. "I promise i won't blow up this time."

"Please see to it, you will have me to face if you break her heart again." Nick warns Lucas and we all know that he is not bluffing.

"Don't mention a word about Lee, Gilbert or our vengeance plan in Lizs presence." And his light mood is over, he is back to his serious impassive face.

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