Chapter 2

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This chapter may be triggering to some due to depictions of domestic abuse.


I had decided on wearing a tight navy blue dress that stopped right above my knee and had a long golden zip right down the center and paired it with some black suede heels.

I then pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail and applied the smallest amount of makeup I could get away with.

As I drove to the prison I couldn't help but feel nervous. This was my first case back, so I imagined I would be supervised with a close eye. But I was also a bit worried about Alexander himself. I had a bad feeling about him.

Once I got to work I went to the canteen because I had no food at home for breakfast. The area was empty, which only worried me more. I almost felt like I was being watched as I devoured my potato waffle - which was sacrificed to my tummy along with egg and mushroom.

Though I hadn't been at work for a while the routine was still fresh in my mind. I remembered every noise, feeling and smell of the ward. The clashing of heels on the floor, the strong smell of bleach which almost masked that of sweat.

It was already 9 am so I knew Alexander would be waiting for me in one of the rooms we used to hold my sessions. The room was like an interrogation cell but more comfy. It had no mirror glass window, only a clear glass one and the room was decorated with some books and pictures. However for safety the guards always insisted that the prisoner was cuffed to the table. I hated this.

Sure enough the guard was there waiting for me to open the door. I smiled at him kindly but the gesture wasn't returned. I often felt as if everyone else here was so cold and I was the only warm person but maybe I was giving myself too much credit. I wasn't some angel.

But sure enough there he sat.

Alexander Marino

He was very handsome. He had dark hair that was strategically cut on his head. His eyes were green and somewhat bright, I always was reminded of adventure by that color.

God I could definitely fall for someone who looks like this, he was so good looking that...

Stop it Alice.

He is a criminal.

He is your patient.

And most importantly he is grinning back at you with a look that can only confirm he knows what you're thinking.

I lowered myself onto my chair, still holding eye contact with Alexander.

He smirked at me, and I swear I almost caught myself growling in annoyance at the gesture. It was a cocky smirk. I hated the cocky ones.

"You must be Dr. Green...." he spoke as if he was amused at me

"Yes I am, I wish I could say it's nice to meet you Mr. Marino but considering the circumstances..." I put out my hand for him to shake (hoping that would make me seem more professional and come back from my moment) however I then realized I was embarrassing myself even more as he was cuffed to the table.

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot" his hands fidgeted awkwardly as I ushered over a guard to unlock him.

"I really hate this, my job is to get you to trust me and how can I do that when I'm keeping you chained down like an animal, right?"

He just chuckled. At me. He was finding me funny.

"So Mr. Marino..."

"Please call me Alex"

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