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Eight years later

"It's weird to be back here."

I sighed to Antonio while stepping out from the hut.

"I know."

He came from behind me and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me into a hug that I gladly accepted. I pressed my nose into his white, linen shirt. I inhaled that intoxicating scent and smiled to myself. Antonio bought his hand behind my head and stroked my hair as I stared at the setting sun that hung over the crystal blue ocean below it.

"God.... it's just as stunning as I remember."

We had finally come back to Anguilla. It was the place where we truly began to fall in love and it only seemed fitting that we returned. It was the exact same. Just looking at it made my heart race as all of the beautiful memories came flooding back.

It had been eight years since I had killed Ryan and there hadn't been a single day where I regretted it. In fact, part of me wished that I could pull the trigger all over again.

Once I had recovered we left for Italy and I hadn't been back home ever since. I didn't want to go back either. To be honest, I hadn't even returned to America since. Antonio and I had another wedding, a real one. I picked out my own dress and we decided everything together. It was perfect, everything that I could have asked for. We even went on the most incredible honeymoon to Paris afterwards where we simply roamed the art galleries, land marks and ate in all of the best restaurants.

Antonio hadn't hurt me again either. I knew that he struggled to keep that side of him at bay but never had he once struck me or lashed out. He also knew that I didn't owe him anything because of that, he finally understood that he never had the right to hurt me in the first place. I think he also knew that if he ever did again then I'd shatter and have no choice but to leave him. I'd spent two years in therapy after everything that had happened and I'd go back every so often even now. The nightmares stopped and that was enough to give me hope that I was going to be okay. Eventually it got to the stage where I no longer was scared of Ryan, he was my past and nothing more. I still was waiting for the day where I could forget about him entirely but I knew it would come. It didn't matter when though because for now I was happy and that's all I ever wanted.


I turned my head behind me to see Luca running up to me, followed closely by Dante. I laughed and scooped him up in my arms as Antonio did the same with his brother. Luca was now six years old and Dante was almost five.

When I first met Antonio, if you told me that I would be the mother of his children I would laugh. But now everything seemed perfect. Getting pregnant was the hardest decision that I ever had to make. Antonio and I had spoken about getting my implant removed but I had so much to consider before that even happened. I was so worried about the life that I would give my children. I'd be raising them in a mafia household, expecting them to one day take over. Was Antonio even ready to be a father, or me a mother? It was no secret that Antonio had a very violent history, he had hurt people - including myself. I on the other hand, had dealt with so much that I didn't know if I'd be able to care for anyone else. I was so scared that we would be toxic parents. But I couldn't have been more wrong.

"Mommy can we go swimming?"

"Yes of course! But make sure you have your floaties on."

The boys ran off inside to get ready while Antonio and I stayed put.

I watched as my husband yanked off his shirt and I too pulled off my cover up to reveal my swimsuit that was hidden underneath.

Antonio smirked at me and put a hand at either side of my waist. I couldn't help but feel myself get hotter at the sight of Antonio's now shirtless chest, showing off his perfectly sculpted abs.

"Looking sexy as ever Mrs. Marino."

I giggled and bought my own hands to his face, resting them at either side of his jaw.

"I could say the same about you Mr. Marino..."

I whispered seductively as I leaned in to kiss him.

"Mommy, Daddy!"

We both quickly pulled apart from each other and turned to the boys. For such tiny humans they sure had a lot of energy balled up inside them. It was truly a miracle.

"We're ready!"

Sure enough they were both in their swimwear, floaties wrapped around their forearms to ensure their safety. We had given the boys swim lessons from a young age but they were obviously not strong swimmers yet, so the precautions put my mind at ease, even if Antonio would be in the water with them. 

"Is Mommy coming with us?"

Luca asked while coming over to me.

"Daddy will now, I might later on...."

The six year old frowned at me, he had his father's patience I'll give him that.

"What does baby say?"

Dante pushed his big brother out the way and spoke, his voice still held that adorable tone since he wasn't even five yet.

He pressed his face onto my slightly swollen belly and giggled mischievously. I was about four months pregnant and had a belly bump, which both boys found hilarious. They were both bewildered by what was growing inside their Mom's tummy. I had my second scan a week ago and was ecstatic when I discovered it was a girl. The only person more thrilled than me was Antonio. He couldn't wait to have a little girl. We'd even come up with a name already. Gia. Then our family would be complete.

"Baby says Mommy has to come."

I rose an eyebrow at my cheeky little Dante and replied while I watched as Antonio got into the sea with Luca.

"Did she now......ahhhhh!"

I screamed as my body was playfully picked up and pulled into the water. I noted how it was Antonio behind the trick and that he was so gentle now, not to hurt me or the baby.

The boys burst out into a fit of laughter, which proved to be contagious.

"Come here you!"

I playfully growled at Dante before pulling him into the water with the rest of us.

"The boys are asleep."

Antonio came in while I was pulling my nightgown over my head. He hummed to himself as he walked forward towards me.

"I have to say, as much as I like this..."

He gestured to my silk gown, playing with the silky material between his fingers. Slowly his mouth found my ear, hot breath fanning against my neck.

"I think I prefer you without it."

My heart skipped a beat as his hands found the hem and began to pull upwards.

"What do you think?"

I smiled seductively at Antonio and replied as smoothly as my breathless voice could manage.

"Whatever you say, sir."


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