Chapter 14

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I sat in my office drinking a glass of whisky. I already knew exactly where Alice had gone. As soon as she escaped she ran off straight to the airport. I have to admit, she was very clever. She gave fake names, withdrew cash and ditched everything that she had gotten from my home. Everything that she did was strategic and I had to give her some credit as I was almost impressed.


But she made a mistake as soon as she entered that airport. It was obvious that she was going to return to her home. Alice was too sensitive for her own good, that sensitivity would be what drew her home to make sure everyone was ok and turn me into the police. She believed that what she was doing was for the greater good of everyone. I would be in prison and she would be nice and safe. She was wrong.

I wanted her and when I want something, I get it. Still, I wasn't quite sure what it was about her that fascinated me so much but I was being drawn to her. My men had there instructions, everything was in place and that had been the case even before Alice stepped off of her plane. I was always going to be one step ahead of her and she just needed to get that inside of her fucking head.

I also hadn't missed that dickhead on the plane who was sat next to Alice. I had a man sat next to her filming the entire flight and saw the way the other guy looked at my girl - how he had touched her, I saw how uncomfortable that contact made her. He was going to be punished. He even had the audacity to try and fuck her. I knew Alice would never do that though, she was too innocent for that. In fact, she was never going to touch another man again the same way that I was going to be the last man who she ever got to be with.

Craig Elset was the man's name. Right about now, some of my men were waiting for him to return to his home. They were then instructed (by me of course) to kill him. But not before making him suffer. I'd sent Lucas, one of my more.....aggressive men. He would make sure that the job was done well. There was no way that this piece of shit would even think about my Alice ever again.

Now it was a matter of waiting. Soon enough Alice would be back home and after what I had planned for her, wishing she had never even left in the first place.

Suddenly the phone rang, pulling me out of my thoughts.

It's time, Alice.


That night, after I'd stumbled back into my home, I collapsed straight onto the bed, too exhausted for anything else. I didn't have any of my important possessions and that included my keys so I frantically was knocking on my neighbors door asking for the spare key back. I would have to make some copies just in case this ever happened again.

It wasn't particularly late when I returned home, but I was tired....and drunk. On the plane, I didn't even consume much alcohol but my tolerance was never very high so the next morning when I woke up I didn't feel great. I wasn't one to get awful hangovers, I would have a bit of a headache but after taking some medicine I could still carry on with the days tasks with little sickness.

My first stop was to the police station. I would give my statement to them and the information about everything I now knew about Antonio, Alexander and all the other members of their mafia. I knew where they lived from when I had asked the lovely elderly couple where they had picked me up from, hopefully the police could pull up an aerial image and then figure out their exact location. Then I wanted to stop by work, firstly to make sure that everyone was safe. I wanted to pay my respects and didn't feel right just abandoning my work place. Although I was abandoning them because I also wanted to hand in my resignation. I needed a change, every time I entered work I was reminded of all the bad things that had happened to me. From the pitiful looks my co-workers gave me when I returned after the case with Ryan to seeing all those dead bodies across the hall on that dreadful night when I was first taken. I knew I couldn't go back after that.

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