Chapter 41

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"I'm so proud of you Alice."

Antonio said while helping me back into bed. It had been two weeks since the incident and I was starting to get better. I could now walk around the house, so long as Antonio was with me. I honestly wasn't in much pain now, mostly stiff and sore, yet he still insisted that he accompanied me.


I smiled back at him. I knew that he meant it. However I also knew how guilty he felt for leaving me at my apartment for so long. He blamed him self for what Ryan had done and although I told him that he wasn't to blame, nothing could change his mind.

Antonio had told me that we could move back to my old apartment but I said no. I didn't want to go back there. In fact I refused to even leave this house. I didn't want to go out there because everywhere in this damn town was filled with memories that I wanted to wash away. So I stayed here instead. It was ironic really, Antonio was finally ready to give me some freedom yet I denied it.


"Yes Alice?"

I looked him in the eyes, already knowing what I was going to ask him.

"Who's blood was it?"

I had been asking the exact same question every single day since I saw the blood on Edward's shirt. Usually I'd let it go but it was how secretive about it they were that caught my attention.


"No! I want to know Antonio. I know that you think I'm some weak, pathetic little girl but I can handle it. I need to know Antonio. We need trust in order for this relationship to work and if you don't tell me then I won't be with you."

I already had my suspicions where the blood was from. Ryan. I could only presume that Antonio had tracked him down or something and they'd killed him. And I was glad of it. But in order to put my mind at rest I needed confirmation, then I would finally feel safe.


My head shot up and I eagerly watched Antonio as he came and sat on the edge of the bed.

My heart hammered in my chest from anticipation.

"It's Ryan's."

I let out a shuddering sigh as I released the breathe that I hadn't even realized I was holding. I gulped and nodded my head. I screwed my eyes tightly shut and prayed to God that the answer to my next request would be a yes.

"Is he-"


I opened my eyes as Antonio cut me off and slowly nodded my head. I needed to know that he was finally gone from my life, for good.

"No, he's not."

I let out a small sob when he told me that. I knew that I was protected by Antonio but would forever be fearful.

"Do you want to see him?"

"He-he's here?"

Antonio wordlessly nodded and stared at my face, analyzing my response. I looked away from his intimidating gaze and instead stared down at my fingers, playing with them instead of focusing on his question.

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