Chapter 21

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"I hate to admit it, but you really do have a beautiful home."

I stood before Antonio's Italian house (or mansion) in awe. It was incredible and made his place back in California seem like nothing. There was something about this one that made it seem so magical in one way or another.

The outside was painted an off white color, it had a warm tint which complimented the thick layers of vines and ivy that scaled the walls. The green plants wrapped themselves around the building, almost weaving their way through the areas that the windows were positioned in. There was a elegant water fountain in the middle of a gravel round about sort of drive way. There were also balconies overlooking the seen of the far off fields before them. We were, once again, in the middle of nowhere. Only this time, it was in a completely foreign country that I had never stepped foot in before now and had no experience with the language. In plain words, I was screwed.

"It was designed in the 1800s. It's since been fixed up, but I am rather fond of the place."

He answered with more information to my praise towards the mansion. We continued walking into the house. We were closely followed by a few members of Antonio's staff who were carrying in all of his luggage.

I followed him as we began to climb the grand staircase that was positioned in the center of the large hall. Then we continued down a hallway until he stopped and opened a door, ushering me to come inside with him.

It was instantly obvious to me that this was indeed Antonio's bedroom. The décor was all plain and simple but despite that was still very modern as well as stylish. The room was actually very nice. There were two other rooms connected to it, just like in his Californian house. I knew that they were most likely the bathroom and a closet - both of which were huge.

"Get changed, lunch is soon. I'll send someone to come and escort you."

After giving me my instructions Antonio just left the room, leaving me to my own devices. I walked into the closet, surprised to see it fully stocked with both clothes for me and him. I scanned through everything before grabbing a summer dress. It was warm outside so I didn't want to wear anything that would make me to hot. Then again, I still wasn't that comfortable with Antonio so didn't want to expose myself too much by wearing shorts. I then tied my hair back before slipping on a pair of matching coral flip flops that were hidden away in the bottom of the shoe rack.

Sure enough, a woman was waiting for me when I exited the closet. She smiled at me warmly. Suddenly a thought crossed my mind. I knew how much I would regret it but couldn't help wonder if she could help me. I was well aware that I should have learned from my mistakes after the whole Linda situation but still, this woman seemed a lot kinder. Maybe she could help me.

"Excuse me, I know you work for Antonio, but I need help. Please help me, I can give you money as soon as I'm safe. I ne-"

She cut me off by placing her hands on my shoulders and shaking her head at me.

"Mi dispiace caro, non parlo inglese."
(I'm sorry dear, I don't speak English.)

I sighed. I had no idea what she had said but assumed whatever it was, it didn't translate to 'sure I'll help you escape from my big, scary boss!'.

I just smiled back at her understandingly as she lead me outside to the garden.

Antonio was sat at a table with a large umbrella shielding it from the sun. It was actually really pleasant, the weather was beautiful here and eating outside would just make us appreciate it that much more.

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