Chapter 3

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Upon leaving for the night my boss had informed me that I needed to stay later, due to a large amount of paperwork I needed to fill out.

Some of it was just routine paperwork that I needed to fill out because I had just returned from my absence, however there had been some recent changes too. I now needed to do some extra work because of Alexander's high profile. He was by far the most dangerous criminal I had ever dealt with.

Usually my patients had killed 2 or 3 people and were completely crazy. They would just laugh at you when you tried to talk, or you would get the ones who just stared with empty gazes. But here was Alexander, a seemingly sane and sweet guy but he was part of the mafia and related to the leader. He had killed people. And no amount of light hearted jokes he made could bring those people back.

Most of the paperwork was reading, something I had always enjoyed but when it was compulsory it lost that magical feel. As a child I had always struggled finding books I would like and didn't find my style until I was a teenager.

I had launched straight into reading books that my English teachers still had on their shelves. The other children read about romance and adventures while I stuck to darker themes.

My mom was always proud deep down but they never really showed it. I figured it was because I pushed her away, as a normal teen girl would, but then she never understood she had to hold me and ignoring me was actually the opposite of what I wanted.

It didn't matter anymore though, the damage was done and it's time to get over it.

Suddenly an alarm began to blare through my office.

It took me a few moments to recognize the sound, but sure enough it was to alert all senior staff that there was an issue in the ward.

I was classed as someone who would need to be present, along with security and medical staff in case things got out of hand and someone needed to be restrained or even sedated.

Immediately I shoved the files into my desk and locked it (I couldn't risk someone stealing this while I was gone if I wanted to keep my job) and left my office.

The alarm was very loud and accompanied by a red flashing light, by no means was it a warning to be taken lightly. The siren most likely meant a patient was being violent or escaping the premises.

I had never experienced an emergency like this personally but the lady who had trained me once told me a story about how she saw a man try to escape, badly injuring a security guard while doing so. So for that reason these situations were not the kind to be taking lightly. It could have been a very serious issue, or it could have even been an accident. But the point was, I didn't know.

I jogged down the hallways, the building was empty apart from the guards that were probably already on the scene. However it did occur to me that it was slightly odd how the alarm was still blaring. Usually within a few minutes it would be shut off, perhaps 2 inmates were having a fight and both had to be restrained, but then why would they be out of their cells?

Each cell had its own facilities so there would be no need for any of the people to be let out for the bathroom during the evening.

I reached the door and pulled out my keycard and swiped it against the pad, immediately the door opened and I practically ran through due to the anticipation. However I instantly stopped in my tracks.

There was a dead body. A dead body just lying there, bullet in the head, right before my feet. He was a guard. I had seen him before, laughed with him, waved hello in the morning and here he was. Dead.

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