Chapter 12

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It was now late in the evening. The house was almost completely silent apart from the low murmur of wind and the occasional rustle of guards who were on the lookout. Linda was long gone from my room now, after serving me dinner and preparing me for bed. In fact she was almost definitely asleep by now. The moment she left I threw on some new clothes and packed a bag.

In the closet I had found a pair of black sweatpants and a long sleeved black top which I threw on . I also then laced up a pair of trainers before placing my hand on the glass of the window. It was a cold night. That urged me to wear a coat. I searched through my clothes but had not found a proper coat. There were only jackets but none of them were warming enough to protect me from the bitter cold. Then I moved over to Antonio's section where I found a black coat. I put it on and instantly discovered that it was far too big for me, it hung to my knees and the sleeves fell way past my hands, but at least it would keep me warm. I was certainly not going to go through all of this trouble just so I could freeze to death. I had found a backpack in one of his draws too, so took that and filled it with a spare pair of trainers and socks, the juice carton Linda bought me for Lunch as well as anything edible that could be kept in the bag. That ended up being an apple, a packet of dried apricots and some chips. It wasn't a lot but I had eaten the rest of my dinner so I shouldn't need to eat again till morning time. Hopefully by then I would be flying high on an airplane.

I was aware that I had no money or card, but luckily I had signed up for an emergency cash service with my bank when Ryan's abuse first began. At first I considered the fact that one day, I might need to make a run for it after Ryan had stolen everything I had and though I quickly became glued to his side I was grateful I'd done it. Who knew it would be saving my life now? It would allow me to cash some money out at a local ATM and then I could buy a ticket for the first plane flight home. Who knows, I might even treat myself and get a first class ticket. I wasn't well off but after this I could adjust my budget for a day. That way I could get some of those pajamas first class borders received and maybe even a shower depending on the airline.

I glanced over to the clock that rested on the bed side table for the last time. 12:06 am. It was now or never.

Detaching the lamp cable from the wall, I took my place behind the door and pulled out my best acting skills as I tried to sound convincing.

"Help me! Arghhh! Help!"

To be honest, I was not sure of what I was trying to portray had happened to cause me meaning I had to yell out for help but it didn't matter because sure enough the door unlocked and a guard rushed inside.

I didn't wait for even a second as I crashed the hefty lamp down on his head, shattering its bulb as I did so. The man fell to the floor in an instant. Fuck! Had I killed him? That was not my aim...I bent down and checked his pulse. He was still alive. Thank God, I let out a relieved sigh and ripped off the chain of keys that dangled from the guards belt.

With shaking hands I took the keys over to the window, but before unlocking it I banged to alert the soldiers outside. They all turned to look at me and seemed to understand as I pleaded for help. I needed to get them out of my way and if I opened the window before doing that then they would all see through my plan because how would I have opened the window? Soon enough my exit was clear and so I pushed open the window and began to climb my way down. There was a water pipe I could cling onto and a little bit of extra help came from the structure of the building. It was made of old, vintage style bricks that stuck out so my feet could grip onto them like stairs.

Once I was close enough to this ground, I leapt. I tumbled onto the floor, grateful that it was grass and not hard gravel that would dig into my body. I laid low for a few seconds, regaining my composure then stood back up almost completely unaffected by the sudden drop.

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