Chapter 34

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It was nice to finally be home. It felt like it had been forever since I'd slid the key into my door and crossed it's threshold. I was home.

The plane journey had been torture without any real company. Sure their was that stewardess but she didn't talk to me about anything else but if I wanted a drink and that kind of stuff. I didn't blame her, if it was my job to work for someone like Antonio than I would defiantly stay focused and professional too. But due to the lack of company, I had spent the whole flight either watching films, staring out of the window or sleeping. Antonio was defiantly right about those pills too. They really did help me sleep. It was almost ironic how the best night sleep I'd had in months was on an plane.

It was also odd how as soon as I stepped out of the plane, a car was waiting for me. At first I was suspicious but the driver confirmed that Antonio had sent him to escort me back to my home. The drive was only about half an hour which made me curious as to where the plane had landed, but I didn't dare ask the driver. That guy was even more serious than the woman in the plane.

Antonio had made sure that I was well aware about what would happen if I escaped him. He'd laid down very clear rules for me which I planned to follow. I never had any intentions to leave him. Over the last few weeks I had grown feelings towards him. I knew that it was wrong and fucked up but it felt so natural now, not like it was before. I wanted to be with him. Besides, what else would I do? I couldn't go back to work, not after Antonio paid off my old boss and even if I did escape I knew he'd track me down. I wasn't going to risk removing that damn tracker in my neck. Escaping him was impossible, not even worth thinking about.

My bags were filled with enough clothes from Antonio's place back in Italy to last a week but I had a washing machine if I needed to clean them to re-wear anything. I also had some other things that I'd grabbed from the mansion with me. Like the book that I was reading. I'd always enjoyed reading, even as a young child. I never was classed as a nerd or anything, instead it became my own little secret that I was really a little book worm. Other teenagers would get caught up at midnight on their phones by their parents but not me, it was always a book.

While I was here I was planning on picking up anything that I wanted to keep. Antonio had told me that after this I'd never return here and he would sell the apartment and it's contents. Of course he'd give me the money, not that I needed it. Antonio was paying for everything, he only allowed the illusion that I could provide for myself. I knew that he wanted to spoil and protect me but I almost felt guilty for it. I felt like he was a sugar daddy or something like that. Though I knew that wasn't really the case.

I wanted to go through my wardrobe. There were a few items that I loved and missed. Like my red satin cocktail dress that I wore to my first ever club on my twenty first birthday. Then there was my purple cashmere jumper that I'd saved up to buy shortly after I'd started working. Or my Ralph Lauren heels that I wore on my first day of University. I knew that Antonio could easily repurchase everything but that wasn't the point. These items were sentimental. I wanted them, not a new shiny copy of their original form.

I also intended on taking back all the photos I had. There was a whole album that I'd saved. It mostly consisted of holiday pictures and I knew that one day I'd want to look through them again. Memories were far too precious to throw out. I had always been one to savor the little things.

I felt around in my pocket for my keys. Antonio had kept them from when he first took me. They were in my pocket that day, so I imagined that he also had my phone and ID card. It wasn't like I'd ever be needing them again though. The weight of them felt foreign in my hands. I stared down at them and played with the silver chain and fluffy pom pom keyring for a while. I couldn't resist the smile that worked it's way onto my face. When you have been controlled and imprisoned for so long holding your own house keys in your hands feels euphoric. Sure, not every moment with Antonio had been hell but I was still technically his captive, even if I had feelings that I couldn't explain for him.

I was really going to miss Antonio. I knew that that sounded ridiculous, but I was. Who knew how badly I'd manage when his absence during the day bothered me even when we were in Italy. Now he was an entire plane journey away. I wouldn't even be able to phone him, or anyone else for that matter....not like there was anyone else. He'd removed the landline and my other devices. I was getting addicted to everything about the man. His smell, his touch, his voice. Did I love him? Surely not.....I'd never loved anyone before, and I'd defiantly never felt the way that I feel about Antonio with anyone else.

I'd explore it more when I returned to him. I knew that we were already technically married, but what I meant was seeing if I really did love him. I knew that he loved me though. If he didn't than I wouldn't be happy, his abuse would have continued. But he couldn't bring himself to hurt me any more. That was an improvement. I wasn't an idiot or some brain washed victim, I was well aware that Antonio shouldn't need a medal as a reward for not beating me. But it gave me hope. Hope for a future that I could finally be happy in. My life felt as though it had been a waiting game. A big, long wait for the day where everything would be ok. My whole life everyone told me that things would get better, it'd get easier, I'd be ok. But so far non of that had come true. But maybe Antonio could change that. Or perhaps I was just naïve and desperate enough to believe that. Who knows.

I took yet another deep breath and fumbled with my key as I slotted it into the key hole. They whole act felt so foreign, from the metallic texture to the jingle, jangle sound. I hadn't realized how much I missed it until now.

I opened the door but instantly stopped in my tracks. Something wasn't right. You know that feeling you get when you just know, deep down in your gut that somethings up, that's how I felt. I knew that a few days ago Antonio had gotten some of his people to bring in any necessities that I'd need so someone had been in here but that wasn't it. They'd never leave a thing out of place, not when Antonio was their boss. He'd rip their heads off if they made even a single mistake, literally. But not everything here seemed immaculate or pristine. I often wondered how it was even possible for someone to have so many contacts. Antonio had so many "employees" and I was curious as to how he built his empire. Sure it was inherited from his father, but even maintaining order amongst so many people was extremely impressive to me. Then it clicked what was off. There was a strong smell of beer that filled the halls, I never drank beer at home and knew Antonio would have never stocked me up on alcohol. Upon cautiously walking further in through the hall I saw that a light was on in the living room. It was now seven in the evening and was already dark, but that wouldn't have been left on by one of Antonio's people. Ever.

I took deep breaths and prepared myself to turn the corner of the hallway. I knew the safest thing would be to run out and check with Antonio, but I had no way of contacting him. Fuck this was a bad time for his security measures, or in this case lack there of. I quickly decided to bite the bullet and stepped into the room. My eyes automatically zoned in onto the figure who sat in the middle of the room, on the couch. I felt as if I'd just been drenched with icy water, I stood suddenly frozen in place. My mouth went dry as I found myself lost for words. The only sound that I could hear was that of my own heart beat and it echoed so loudly that I could already feel a head ache coming on. I gasped.


Hi guys!! So.....what do you think? I'd love to hear from you all more in the comments! Sorry that this was a shorter chapter.... I hope that I made up for it with a double update.

Thank you - theatramentouswriter


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