Chapter 40

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I felt warm. My body was in a state of bliss, I felt no pain for the first time in weeks. I could almost feel myself sinking into the fresh, soft mattress that I was lying on top of.

I could hear voices, they were subtle and hazy but I could still make them out.

"I've given her a strong dose of morphine, so her pain shouldn't be an issue. However she's going to be a little out of it."

I let out an involuntary moan of satisfaction. I couldn't stop the sound from slipping out of my mouth, I just felt so comfortable for once. I simply wasn't used to the sensations that were now overcoming me.

"Thank you Doctor."

I recognized that voice.

I slowly peeled my eyes open, squinting from the sudden rush of light. However they were soon dimmed by whoever else was in the room.

I tried to sit up, my body weighing tons as I was unsuccessful in doing so.

"Hey, hey..."

My attention was turned to the man who spoke in a hushed tone. Tears filled my eyes, my heart threatened to leap out of my chest as I saw who it was.


I smiled and let out a loud cry. However, these tears were from happiness and not pain or fear.


He spoke softly and kindly whilst pulling a chair over so that he was closer to me. He put his arms under my own and effortlessly lifted me into a more practical position.

"You're really here...."

I sobbed in-between every breath as I took it all in. I wasn't with Ryan. I was with Antonio, the man that I loved so dearly.

"I'm really here."

He whispered to me while leaning forward, closing off the space between us. I bought my hands to his face as he cupped the back of my head. Without being able to wait a second longer, we finally sealed the space that divided us. The kiss was long and desperate, as if it had been forever. Which in our case, it had been. Or at least it felt that way.

"I thought you left me there...."

I muttered once we had pulled away from one and other, still wandering if this was all a dream and I'd wake up next to my worst nightmare all over again.

Antonio shook his head at me, staring into my eyes as if he was searching for my tainted soul.

"I could never."

After our short reunion I must have fallen asleep again because I had no recollection of what happened next.

Although Antonio had obviously never left my side because when I woke up he was still sat next to me.


He smiled and sat up straight from his slightly lazy position on the chair.

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