Chapter 23

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This chapter contains material that may be triggering to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.


I knew that physically Antonio's assault was over, but mentally it wasn't because it just kept replaying over and over again inside of my head. I kept remembering the sensation of his hands all over my body as he raped me.

It wasn't like I was a virgin or anything, I had had my fair share of sex with Ryan and I suppose that was better than this being my first sexual encounter. However, sex with Ryan was never anything special either. It was always about what he wanted, never for my pleasure. Not once had I ever actually had an enjoyable experience with sex and I hated that. It wasn't meant to be something feared, but one of the more exciting parts of a relationship if you wanted it that way - which I did. I hated Antonio more than ever for using my body like this.

I wanted to cry. I needed to cry. But I was so broken that I just couldn't. I felt hollow inside, the absence of emotion hurt more than anything else. I begged silently for my mind to allow me to do something, anything, but nothing came.

I could sense that Antonio had rolled off of me, now lying besides me. I on the other hand, was still lying with my wrist tied above my head. I hadn't moved an inch. I could hear Antonio talking to me but couldn't force myself to take in any of what he was saying. I just stayed motionless, staring at the ceiling.


I glanced over to Alice and upon seeing her a wave of guilt instantly washed over me. Shit, what had I done? I shifted and spoke,

"Do you want to take a shower?"

But still, there was no response to my question. She just lied still and kept her line of vision to the ceiling with an unresponsive gaze. I looked at her closely, the idea that she was in shock crossed my mind.


Still no answer, I lightly gripped her jaw. Slight relief filled me when she made a sound. She just let out a pained sob causing my heart to clench. A single tear made it's way down her cheek so I leant down and kissed her were it had landed on her delicate skin.

I sighed and reached up to the bed post in order to untie her hands, regretting what I had done to a certain extent. I still believed that she was only mine and therefore needed to submit herself to me, but couldn't help but notice that I went to hard on her.

Thinking that I could only give her time, I pulled the comforter over her still bare skin and left the room. I ensured that the door was locked and called my head of security to send a guard to watch the room while I was gone. I wasn't really worried about Alice escaping but more so that my enemies could do something. I had many people out to get me and now they knew about my new wife they would most likely see her as my weakness. That meant they could use her to get to me, even by kidnapping or hurting her.

As if on que, my phone rang.

"Antonio, we got a problem."

It was my brother, Alex.

"What is it?"

We were past the point of small talk by now. During business we remained cold, the rest of the time we had a decent relationship, or more than what was expected of our kind. Mafia members were not typically known for their warm hearts and friendly relationships.

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