Chapter 38

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Warning, this chapter may be triggering to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.


"No, n-no....I, I can get them....AHHHH!"

I let out a scream in pain as I attempted to sit up. I was in so much agony but just knew that I couldn't let Ryan find that ring. If he did, which was a certain result if he went digging in that cupboard, he'd be furious. There was no easy way to explain why I was hiding such an item.


I could see the rage and anger flash in Ryan's eyes at my defiance.

"God! I'm trying to help you so stop being an ungrateful bitch and stay FUCKING still!"

I could only whimper as he shouted in my face. I wanted to tell him how I wouldn't even be in this situation if it weren't for him. That it was too late to help me and he was only doing it for himself anyway. Most of all I wanted to just stand up and walk out the door, never looking back. But instead I just laid still, paralyzed in fear as the realization slowly dawned upon me that he would find the ring.

I heard his retreating footsteps go into the bathroom and couldn't hold back the strained sobs that ripped their way through my throat, each one burning like fire as I pondered my inevitable fate. This was it for me. I was going to die. Ryan would kill me.

The thing was, I was more than ready to die. It seemed as though every sign that the world gave me were all pointing me in the same direction, that direction being to my death. Hell, a huge part of me even wanted to die. Most of me in fact. I was in so much pain and I didn't know if it would ever come to an end. Antonio was gone. I didn't know why but I knew it in my bones, he wasn't coming back for me. He didn't love me anymore. No one did. There was no light at the end of the tunnel for me, only darkness. Deep, lonely, quiet darkness. However none of that would ever be enough to stop me from fearing death. I was still scared to die, petrified even.

Would it hurt? Was there anything on the other side or was it just darkness? I liked to think that there was something after death, some sort of after life. That way I could still hold on to the idea that all this life wasn't for nothing. Surely it couldn't just end. One minute there is everything and then the next nothing? No.

I just wanted the pain to go away. I needed it to stop. In that moment, I needed everything to stop. All the pain I felt in my body, all the memories flooding around in my head. Everything. I had never longed for anything more than such blissful, peaceful quiet.

Then my blood went cold as I heard the footsteps, of who I could only presume was Ryan, returning to me. I closed my eyes, inhaling a deep breath as I waited for my death sentence. I didn't want to see his face. I never wanted to see it again and I hopefully, never would.

"What the fuck is this?"

His voice was surprisingly calm. Why was he so calm? My eyes shot open as I betrayed myself and took in his form. He was standing about two feet away from me and was holding the diamond piece of jewelry in his hand. He wasn't looking at me, instead his gaze focused on the ring.


Our eyes met and I stuttered as I stumbled to find any excuse that could explain this.

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