Chapter 33

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It had been a whole month since Antonio and I had returned from Anguilla. My time with him had been surprisingly calm and I suppose as normal as things could get in my situation. He had been working a bit more than before so my days usually consisted of mundane activities. We would always eat dinner together but other than that I didn't see much of Antonio in the day.

I knew that he was still sleeping in the same bed with me but he always came later and woke before me. The only evidence that he was even there next to me through the night was the trace of warmth he left. I often found myself gliding my hands over his side of our bed and even rolling over to get closer to his scent. I was missing him. Odd as it seemed, I was defiantly growing towards Antonio. I felt a constant attraction towards him, as weird as it was.

Due to his absence my days were spent by reading books that I had been given. I was confined to my room, except for when I was bought by a guard to the dining room for meals. Antonio had assured me that it was for my own safety and he wasn't trying to keep me prisoner. He said that he had a lot of people filled with hate towards him and that for those reasons I could be in danger. His business was in a rough time and there were several problems. It wasn't at all unlikely for someone to attack the mansion. I believed him. He'd been working more and left that night after our wedding. However Antonio had never really liked to inform me about the details of his work, not that I minded. I figured it was better for me to be oblivious than paranoid.

I had just returned to our room after dinner with Antonio. I didn't know who his cooks were but they were absolutely amazing. The food here was like something from a top restaurant that would cost you hundreds to eat at. Tonight we'd been served some amazing salmon and for desert I devoured my lemon tart. Every bite was a literal flavor explosion for my taste buds. Antonio had also spoken to the kitchen about what I liked, he knew me so well by now. He could read my every thought and action like I was an open book.

I suddenly let out a tired yawn but upon glancing over at my bedside clock, I saw it was only eight in the evening. It wasn't as if it mattered what time I went to bed here though. Antonio didn't seem to mind and I was in desperate need of a goods night sleep. I had been trying to stay awake lately, to avoid the nightmares. I'd ask for coffee to be delivered up to my room a couple of times a day and then usually fell asleep at around one in the morning. Antonio was never back even at that time. His work must have been getting very heavy. Then I'd jolt myself awake again at around four or so. By then Antonio was asleep in bed and I would lie awake before boring myself back into an uncomfortable slumber. My sleeping schedule was tedious, maybe sleeping more would be better than not.

I sighed and pulled myself into the closet to change into some pajamas and then to the bathroom to get ready for bed.


When I came into the bedroom Alice was already asleep in bed, as she should have been. I had an emergency that I had to deal with. A few weeks ago Alex and I received a threat from another gang. Usually we would demolish them in an instant but they just happened to get their hands on our location and that meant things were more dangerous. We still had no idea where they were based so they had an advantage. We were now picking apart their men, one by one, hence why I had to meet Alex at three in the morning. The man we had killed told us that we would be attacked within the week, it was uncertain if this was true but I couldn't take the risk of ignoring it.

I pulled off my clothes, leaving my boxers, and climbed into bed besides Alice. She looked so beautiful in her sleep, peaceful and flawless. Her lips were slightly puckered as she took in deep breaths, causing her chest to rise and fall. Her skin had a refreshing glow and her brows were set in a frown. It wasn't until I saw her mouth moving as if she was saying something that I noticed that she seemed to be having a nightmare.

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