Chapter 11

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When I woke up I was lying in the bed, the duvet tucked around me perfectly. I sat up so it slipped off and then realized that I was no longer wearing the red dress from last night but instead a new pair of pale blue pajamas. Who had changed me?

With perfect timing Linda entered with my breakfast and answered my unasked question.

"You fell asleep on the way home last night so Sir asked me to change you."

I nodded my head as she placed the meal down next to me on the bed. Avocado toast. My favorite. The staff had obviously already taken note of what I liked to eat as they now only served things I'd shown a liking towards. I still had cravings for so many things I missed from home and was sure the kitchen would happily provide them for me but I was too scared to ask. I missed sitting on my sofa watching a movie while gorging on chips and wine. Now I couldn't do any of those things. There was no TV in this room I was constantly cooped up in, nor was I given any snacks to enjoy. I couldn't even drink anymore thanks to the man holding me captive here.

Then a thought struck. Where was he? Normally I slept on the sofa and he in the bed. There was no sign he had slept with me nor had he given me any instructions. I decided to ask Linda as she would certainly know everything.

"Where is Antonio?"

"Last night after he got you into bed, Sir left for a business trip."

I raised a brow at Linda, I wondered why he had not just told me this news himself but at least it bought me time away from him. I still wanted more information so inquired further.

"He has traveled home to...."

Linda paused, unsure of what to say.

"Arrange some things. But he will return by the end of the week once everything is prepared."

I nodded. A week. That was enough time for me to escape and get far away from here without Antonio on my tail. If I played my cards right then I could actually leave this prison and be free again.

I had worked out that I would leave ASAP. I had to wait for the evening to come so that I could escape without anyone noticing. I was always locked in the room and the only time that anyone entered was for meals or to prepare me, none of which would happen in the night time. The next step was for me to figure out how to escape. The windows and doors were both locked and there was no way I could break them. The door was locked from the outside and the windows needed a key.

My plan became clear in my mind. I was told I could yell for help if I needed it because a guard was always stationed outside the room and would come in. I would do just that, before knocking him out with the lamp that was positioned on the bed side table. I then had two options.

I could just dodge past him and hope he hadn't locked the door already but the problem with that was there were too many guards in the hallway.

The better choice would be to steal the window key and yell out to the guards outside for help. They were not particularly smart, as I observed and without their boss here wouldn't be on top of their game (so I hoped). They would most likely fall for it and rush inside. Then once the coast was clear, I could climb out of the window and run as fast as I could.

From what I could tell there was a gate around the mansion, but I could easily climb it. The main difficulty would be getting out unnoticed by any security. But it was dark so I prayed my plan would be successful.

I couldn't wait any longer. Every 12 hours the chance of finding a missing person decreases so by now my hopes of being saved by the police would be long gone and I didn't know when Antonio would next leave me alone.

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