Chapter 19

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It had been eight weeks since I had punished Alice which resulted in me breaking her ankles and several other injuries. It had been six since I had my name tattooed onto her skin. By now her back was healed from it's welts and I had gotten Linda to apply a special scar cream in order to minimize the permanent damage as much as possible. What were once large cuts in her upper arms that were held together by stitches were now almost invisible, only faint red lines in their place. Her ankles were fully healed. The casts had been off for six weeks but I gave her an extra week to recover and hired a physio therapist to help her gain mobility in a quick and safe way.

I could now see, from the camera in my room, that Alice could walk on her own. That meant that it was finally time for my plans to move ahead. I had intended for the wedding to be five weeks ago, but obviously plans changed. In all honesty, I had not originally wanted to break anything but I clearly got a little.....carried away. I wanted my bride to actually be able to walk down the aisle so I had rescheduled everything. It would look bad on me if she turned up battered and bruised with no explanation.

It would be perfect. I had only gotten the best, it was what my girl deserved. I had spared no expense. I wanted to see her smile, just once. I was well aware of her beauty and therefore I knew her smile would be unimaginable.

I had also arranged for some other...things. After Alice's escape I realized that she could not be trusted. This time I caught her, but next time it may not have the same outcome. So therefore I would just make sure that there would not be a next time at all. I was going to have a tracker put into her. The procedure was fairly simple. It worked similarly to a chip that people put in their pets. I would drug Alice and then have the doctors implant the GPS device into her. It was small and I had already told the doctor to put it right next to her main artery in the neck. That way, if she ever tried to cut it out there would medically be no way for her to do so without seriously experienced doctors. By the time she did go into a hospital I would be notified anyway. There would be no escape for her after this.

I had also decided that I would get the contraceptive implant put into her while she was out.

I had been watching Alice for the last few weeks throughout the days. She would watch television, eat the food that was served to her, sleep and read the books that were on my shelves. I was well aware that a productive person such as herself probably was bored out of her mind and found it slightly amusing. However I would be sure to make her life with me more exciting, she just had to be tamer for me to do so.

I had planned for a honey moon after the wedding. I was going to take her to The Caribbean. As long as she behaved, she would experience nothing but bliss for the two weeks that we would be on vacation. I would allow her to relax the entire time. She would be able to swim, take walks along the beach, go to the hotel spa and eat and drink whatever she wished to.

I had already gotten my stylist to pack clothes for us both. The holiday would be completely relaxed and casual so everything was laid back. However there were several evening outfits packed for when I would take Alice out in the evenings to nice restaurants that had a more prestigious dress code. Of course I had already checked through everything to make sure that it was all up to standard.

I was staring at my computer screen, watching Alice when my brother walked in, unannounced of course.

"A little birdie told me that my brother was getting married?"

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