Chapter 7

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Once again I asked my brother if it was really necessary I came and according to him it was. To be fair my brother wasn't one to over exaggerate when it came to work but it did annoy me that I now couldn't eat with Alice. However before I left her in my mansion I warned her to behave, she would also eat with me tomorrow and I even proposed the idea that I might answer some of her questions, as a reward.

Of course I knew what she was going to ask. All their questions were the same.

Why am I here?

Will you let me go?

And so on. It was boring constantly giving out the same answers to my captives however there was something special about this one. I wasn't sure why I wanted to keep her around but at the end of the day, I always did whatever I wanted. All the other witnesses were shot or killed on sight. We left the bodies there as well, there was no need for a clean up team as it was very obvious who had attacked and why. Only an idiot couldn't put together the facts. Alexander went from prison while his brother was nowhere to be found. It was blatantly clear it was my men who did the job so there was no need to try and cover it all up.

As I sat in the car, my driver taking me to the destination Alex had told me to meet him, Alice was the only thing on my mind. I didn't give a shit about the drug deal gone wrong or whatever it was that my brother was banging on about so hoped to get this over and done with asap. If I were my younger brother, I would have just murdered all the traitors involved without a second thought, but he was more sensitive or 'rational' as my father would say. He was usually open to finding other solutions. Not to say he wouldn't kill and be affected. No, he was still a Marino. He killed men and woman and tortured people to death. It was just the way we were brought up.

When I was 10 my father bought me my first knife. He showed me how to use it and then on my 11th birthday he took me out into the woods and made me murder a rabbit. Though I must say, it took little persuasion for me to do so. That day I went home, holding my prize up by it's legs and presented it to my horrified mother. She had always been a very caring woman. My father had actually brought her from an auction.

His parents demanded he have a wife to bear his children but in our business there is little time for relationships, I myself had never had one. We were always too busy to go on dates and do all the romantic shit. So my appetite was usually unsatisfied by a quick fuck then I would send the woman on her way. The sex was enough for me. Of course at first my mother didn't share any feelings for my father but soon he whipped her into shape and they fell in love. I knew that wasn't quite the case though. My mother was just broken. She was never quite there. You would talk to her, she would respond but nothing she did was ever authentic. Everything was rehearsed. She was nothing but a tool of my fathers. But never mind my parents, my father died and took my mother with him. He figured she would never be free from him and so shot her on his deathbed.

"Qual e il problema, fratello?" (So what seems to be the problem brother?)

I asked and Alex turned a corner, revealing the issue. The man who knelt on the floor, beaten and bloodied, was familiar to me but I was quickly reminded when Alex spoke again.

"Sono sicuro che ti ricordi di Jonathon qui. Ci stava tradendo! Si e scoperto che non e stato David a fare la spia, ma questo ragazzo." (I'm sure you remember Jonathon here. He has been ratting us out! Turns out that it wasn't David who snitched on me but this guy.)

I nodded my head. So turns out it wasn't David. That was a shame he was killed for no reason. He was a good man. Looking back I should have known something was up but it didn't bother me enough to waste time thinking over it.

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