Chapter 9

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It shocked me slightly about how Antonio was handling me. He was usually so violent but now his touch was much more delicate yet still dominant. I hated how my body reacted to his touch, but my mind was still adamantly against him. He lowered his hand to the small of my back and led me out of the room. This was the first time I could fully take in my surroundings. His home was beautiful. It was so perfect which only proved that it's owner had an immaculate taste. It also showed off his wealth just enough. He led me down a grand staircase and just as we reached the bottom, where I instinctively went towards the dining room, I was stopped. I turned to Antonio, giving him a confused look.

"I figured that since we couldn't eat yesterday that I would take you out tonight."

I couldn't help but feel anticipation building up within me. If I could slip away while we were out, I would have a chance to escape. We were going to be in public so there was no way that he could make a scene. I, on the other hand, didn't currently care what anyone thought of me. If a chance to get away presented itself, I was going to take it without hesitation. However Antonio seemed to catch on to what I was thinking as he interrupted my growing chain of thoughts.

" I know what you're thinking, Alice."

I didn't respond to him because I expected more to follow but that was all he had to say. Was he really that smug? Well in that case I was going to show him that he wasn't the invincible King that he thought he was. A smirk crawled it's way to my lips as I thought about knocking him off his high horse, it didn't go unnoticed by Antonio though. Yet he ultimately chose to ignore it and instead grabbed me and pulled me out of the grand doors.

Outside a gleaming, slick, black limo pulled up in-front of us. I wasn't one to over exaggerate, but it literally was so clean and well varnished that I could see my own reflection. I could only imagine how much the car alone cost let alone the driver who stepped out to open the door for us. How nice it must be to have a fully staffed estate. The man had his own cooks, maids, butlers and drivers. What was next - perhaps he would lead me to a stable where his horses were kept. Or maybe he would leave me to be watched by a lifeguard or two whilst I swam in his 25 metre length pool. To any normal person this much help would be a luxury to enjoy, but to me it just meant that Antonio had more people watching me. I hadn't forgotten the army of his own men who were placed around the house. I wondered if they were there to stop people getting in, or out.

I was helped into the car and tried to move as far away from my captor as possible, however failed when I was pulled back next to him.

"Where are we going?"

"Just a restaurant that I have grown particularly fond of over the last few months while living here in the states."

What did he mean 'while living here'?

"So you don't reside here permanently?"

He looked at me, seeming to figure out if he wanted to answer my question.

"No I do not."

I didn't want to ask too much as it wasn't worth spoiling his seemingly good mood, though I already was taking advantage of it.

"Where do you normally stay then?"

He laughed slightly, I sensed he wouldn't answer this one but it was at least worth a try. The more answers about Marino, the more I could tell the police then hopefully no one would ever be in my situation again.

"You will find out soon enough sweetheart"

I raised my brow at him and tried to bite my tongue but failed miserably.

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