Chapter 10

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Now that we were sitting in the restaurant I totally understood why I had been forced into the fancy outfit. It was a high end place. Although people did still give us odd looks when we entered which caused me to lower my head in an attempt to hide. Bottom line, there was a dress code and it was fancy. You could also note how almost every single woman was staring at Antonio, some even drooling, but he didn't take his gaze off of the path ahead.

The waiters took us to a more VIP or secluded area of the restaurant so that probably meant our place was booked for us ahead. We sat in the booth so we faced one another. The seats were lined with padded black leather and there was a dull chandelier light hanging above us. It was very classy, I understood why Antonio took such a liking to it.

Several menus were pushed in front of me. I glanced at them all and then looked quizzically back up to Antonio who laughed at my confusion. Like I had said, I was not used to such fine dining. The places I went, everything was printed onto the same double-sided, paper menu unlike these which were bound in red leather with the golden imprint logo of the restaurant.

"We will order everything now, Drinks, Starters, Mains and Dessert. Choose whatever you want, this is my treat."

I almost gasped at the prices. The cheapest thing on the menu I could find would be a stretch of what I would be willing to pay for an entire meal. Then I remembered who was paying, the dick who abducted me and suddenly spending atrocious amounts didn't feel so bad.

We told the waiter our orders who wrote them down extremely fast and disappeared as quickly as he had arrived.

"So, Alice, what do you think?" Antonio spoke while gesturing around the area.

"It's very...." I stumbled for the right word to describe it, ""

My response won me a small chuckle of amusement from the undeniably sexy man who sat in front of me.

"You told me you would answer some of my questions." I did not want to waste any time so got straight to the point.

"Yes I did." He crossed his arms and leant back in his chair, letting out a puff of air as he did so.

I waited for him to elaborate, but he didn't so I cut into the silence again.

"So....were you lying to me?" My tone was accusative, one should always be careful when it came to trusting a man of the mafia world, kind of a no brainer.

"No I was not Alice. Believe me I will keep my word to you but..."

There it was. The 'but' how could I have believed he would give me something without a price?

"I want to ask questions of my own. So for every question I answer, you will give me answers also. Ok?"

I thought his notion through for a minute and then realized that he had access to most of my information anyway and that if he really wanted to find something out he could with ease so it wasn't worth missing out on this opportunity.


Just in time to save us from yet another unwanted awkward silence, the waiter returned with our plates and drinks. I was excited to start my food and even more so my drink. I hadn't had a glass of wine for a while and was in desperate need of the alcohol, especially at the moment. But to my distaste, I had been served water.

"Excuse me, this is not what I ordered."

The waiter ignored me and looked straight to Antonio who shook his head and waved him off.

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