Chapter 20

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The first thing that I noticed when waking up from the sleep I didn't even remember falling into was the dull, throbbing pain in my neck and arm followed by a wave of sickness. The next was that I was sat on Antonio's lap and finally that we were on a plane.

I suddenly felt the urge to throw up rip through me and scrambled to get off Antonio. He allowed me to do so and I wasted no time in sprinting to what I was guessing was a toilet. I was already being sick in the toilet but felt a new presence behind me. That of which was confirmed as Antonio's when I felt two large hands pick up my hair and rub my back in reassuring circles.

"What the fuck is going on."

I wasted no time in trying to get the answers to why we were on a plane and why I was so sick. Not forgetting that I had been drugged by him last night during dinner.

"Come back to the main part of the plane."

He spoke in a calm voice and turned to leave the room, obviously expecting me to follow him.


My arm was grabbed in a strong and powerful grip that yanked me to my feet. I had little time to recover before being dragged back into the area of the plane that had the seats. I was shoved down into a chair, but bounced back up so I stood with Antonio. I tried my best to look intimidating and strong but knew I was failing miserably.

"Sit. Down. Now."

I could see him getting agitated at me. He really wasn't patient, was he?

"Tell me why the hell I am on a plane! Where are you taking me?"

I ignored his command only to fire back questions of my own.

"Sit Alice."

That wasn't the answer I was looking for.

"No! Answer me!"

By now I wasn't thinking straight. In all honesty I knew that Antonio was going to burst but I just couldn't stop pressing his buttons.

"Listen here Al-"

I cut him off before he could tell me to sit down again, because to anyone else it would be clear by now that I wasn't going to do so.

"No, you listen here Antonio. You are going to give me answers right now!"

I was poking at his chest with my index finger, trying to portray that I had some power over him but he didn't even flinch.

"I swear to God, if you don't tell me what's going on and what you have done to me I will-"

I was cut off when my finger was grabbed and clasped in Antonio's mighty fist.

"You'll what? Hmm?"

He bent his knees ever so slightly in order to match my level. The small action only making me feel that much smaller compared to him.

"You'll hit me? Maybe kick me? Come on Alice....hit me."

I was trying to decode what he said and figure out if he was serious.

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