Chapter 36

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This chapter may be triggering to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.


"Alice we are out of beer."

More importantly we were out of food but you know, it was good that Ryan had his priorities in order....

"I can go get some more."

I put down my dish cloth that I was currently using to wipe down the kitchen surfaces, ready to go out, when Ryan interrupted me.

"No, I can't have you running off again. I'll go. I'm locking you inside so don't even try and leave."

I nodded my head and went back to doing my tedious chores. Ryan wanted everything to be spotless. It had been just over a week since Antonio had left me here and I was starting to lose my patience. I needed him and I needed him now. My days were spent following him around the house and picking up the trail of mess that he left behind him wherever he went. The nights were the worst.

"Where's your card?"

I turned my head up towards Ryan and quirked a brow, confused about his question.

"Well how do you think I'm going to pay for everything?" it made sense.

I walked over to my bedroom and rummaged through my draws for my card. I had been given it back a few weeks ago by Antonio and had taken it with me on this trip.

I quickly hurried back to Ryan once I'd found it and gave him it's pin number as well. Sure, it was all my hard earned money but it wasn't as if Ryan cared about that. I knew that if I voiced my opinions all I'd get in return would be a slap to the face and lecture about how 'what's mine is his and what's his is mine'. None of which I needed nor wanted.

Without another word the door slammed shut and I was left alone, just how I wanted to be.

My time with Ryan had been horrific but I suppose that was nothing but what was to be expected. So far I had gathered more bruises and injuries than I could count on one hand. I had a large bruise on my forehead from the pan incident and another gash from when Ryan decided to hit me on the head with an already broken beer bottle. That was a favorite move of his and despite everything he had managed to find a method that meant it'd hurt me but never leave too much damage. For a drunk, he was smart. My stomach looked as though it had been painted like a canvas from the amount of bruises that now covered it, as with my arms and legs. My little finger on my left hand was now tapped to the finger next to it because it had been broken when Ryan snapped it back. I was also pretty certain that I'd at least sprained my ankle but couldn't be too sure. Never the less, it was now very painful to walk around, especially with all the cleaning I was doing, but I had no choice but to carry on. Then of course I had a black eye and busted lip from when I'd received several bashes to the face. Although I probably needed professional help, I couldn't go to the hospital. Ryan wouldn't allow me to even leave the house let alone go somewhere that would inevitably expose him. Complaining wasn't an option either.

I had around thirty minutes of Ryan free time while he was out. There was no point trying to escape. Antonio had to come back soon. Surely he wouldn't just leave me here? Unless he actually had stopped caring for me. The second that thought entered my mind I felt a pain in my chest. No. He couldn't stop caring. Not now. Now that I finally was starting to care for him too. I needed him, he was the only person who'd ever cared about me. He could protect me, save me, love me.

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