Chapter 8

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It annoyed me that I was expected to behave all day while trapped in a room and then have a meal with the son of a bitch who kidnapped me. However it was all going to be worth it once some of my questions were answered. I needed to be careful with what I asked though, he would surely only be so generous with his responses so therefore I had to use my questions wisely.

In the morning I had woken up still on the couch where I had fallen asleep. I glanced over to the bed to see it unmade, so clearly no one had been in to make it as they usually would. It also meant, much to my luck, that Antonio had already left to do God knows what. I wondered where he went off too during the day. Did he even leave this house or did he just stay hidden away in an office somewhere. I had not yet explored the house but one of this size was bound to have an office for him. Was he currently killing someone or was he perhaps ordering another drug shipment? I didn't know, and to be honest I didn't particularly wish to find out. I knew it would just scare me more.

Soon after I woke up there was a knock at the door and Linda came in holding a tray of food. I didn't care to speak to her. Despite the fact she had to tell Antonio what I had asked her to do for me, it still was enough to make me never trust her again. She wasn't evil or out to get me but her loyalty lies with her boss, not his captive.

There was a wide selection of food for me to choose from. Pancakes with fruit, chocolate chips and syrup or toast with a generous portion of avocado with a fried egg on top. This was what I instantly dived into, ignoring the fried breakfast and cereal. I was still a bit hungry afterwards so picked on a few other bits from the remaining plates I was served. There were also a few drinks to choose from (coffee, tea and a hot chocolate) . I had never been one for tea and only really liked iced coffee so picked up the hot chocolate. I never drank these anymore and moaned at the rich, sweet taste. I remember as a child my mother would make one for me every morning. I quickly pushed my childhood memories out of my mind. I didn't want another reason to be all depressed.

After breakfast the leftovers were taken away and I was left bored with nothing to do, once again. I had tried unlocking the windows and doors already, but it was useless. Even if I shattered the window, there were guards stationed outside so I wouldn't get very far anyway.

I also didn't want to mope around in bed all day waiting for dinner time. So I ultimately settled for reading a new book. This time I chose one I recognized, 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' by none other than William Shakespeare. There were other plays by him lined up on the shelf too, including 'The Taming Of The Shrew' which I found particularly ironic considering that I was currently in a similar position that the main character in that play was.

I was half way through when Linda once again entered, this time with lunch. Not bad, I had been reading for a whole 4 hours! I enjoyed reading very much so therefore it was a blessing that there were books for me to entertain myself with. I presumed that since he had so many books that he was well educated and genuinely enjoyed reading. Why else would someone have so many books? That was odd too, for a Mafia Don to be so into his literature. It just wasn't expected. I assumed that those kinds of men wouldn't have the soul for such classics as Shakespeare, but people surprise you. I learnt this from several of my patients and of course Ryan.

Speaking of Ryan, last night had been one of the first where my dreams were not plagued with his torture. That only proved how exhausted I was, but make no mistake, the dreams would most likely return to me soon enough. Now I had experienced two men's abuse. I was certain the world was out to get me. Then again, there were people worse off than myself. I wasn't ignorant, children were being abandoned, innocent people were starving to death and I was relatively comfortable. I was clothed, fed and warm. That's a lot more than some had. But things could always get worse.

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