Author's Thanks

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I started this book at the beginning of May and I can't believe that nearly 4 months later, it has ended! I've loved writing Only His and I hope that you loved reading it just as much!

Thank you so much to everyone who read my story, especially those who are reading my little author's note. I never expected to get 100 reads let alone the almost 40K that I currently!

I really hope that no one is disappointed by the ending. I felt like Alice killing Ryan was a good place to end the story because she finally was the person responsible for taking the life of the person who hurt her for so long. I would have left it there but I couldn't leave my readers without a glimpse in to the future of Alice and Antonio's life!

I know how stereotypical this whole story was but still have really loved writing it!

Feel free to ask any questions you have about the story (I will do my best to answer them) and keep Only His in your archive if you ever want to re-read it! I would also love it if you follow my page, you will receive updates on all my future work including my new story, The Broken One.

Thank you so much for reading Only His, I hope you enjoyed reading and maybe even read my current new story and whatever I write in the future! You can follow me on Instagram at theatramentouswriter for updates and exclusive content!

Thank you - theatramentouswriter


-The Broken One
A romance between two teenagers. Sam is struggling to stay strong, surrounded by abuse. Yet Nathan will always be there to catch her if she falls.

-Within His Reach
Briar was only a child when her family was taken and imprisoned. Now she is forced to marry the very same man who is responsible for murdering anyone who she ever loved.

Only His ✔Where stories live. Discover now