Chapter 27

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The restaurant was nice, as was to be expected from Antonio. I could tell that he had been here often because several members of the staff would smile and nod at him. I also liked the fact that it wasn't as formal as the other restaurants we had gone to together. It was quite calm but still had class. This was the kind of place that I may actually have chosen for myself to eat at before everything.

The conversing between the two of us had started the moment that the server had taken both of our orders.

"So, what's your favorite color?"

Turns out that Antonio really wasn't joking around about the whole getting to know each other plan.

"Blue I guess."


I hadn't expected Antonio to be any good at this small talk thing but in actual fact, he was. It was instead me being the awkward one and I relied on him to do all of the hard work in order to keep a conversation going.

"I always used to love going to the beach. When I was little my mum and I used to go on holiday to Florida and just spend the whole time together on the magnificent beaches. We'd build sand castles, go swimming, lie under the sun. Then I moved away. God, it's probably been about four or five years since I've been to a beach. Anyway, I guess I like the color because it reminds me of the blue waves and skies."

He nodded, and quickly replied when I asked him to answer his own question.

"I don't really have one to be honest. I do like yellow though."

My jaw dropped.


He laughed at my shock and only nodded his head in an attempt to convince me further.

"Really! Woah....I didn't picture you as a yellow kind of guy."

He faked offense allowing me to see a dramatic and playful side of him for the first time.

"Why not?"

I giggled and shook my head, still surprised even though it was over something as minuscule as a color.

"Well yellow is such a bright happy color and your not what I would normally connotate with bright or happy. I don't know....I guess I had you pinned out for more of a monochrome fan."

As if on que, the server came back with both of our starters. It was very fast service although I knew that that was likely due to the fact that Antonio was seemingly so familiar to the restaurant staff. Maybe he knew them or something but we were defiantly on the receiving end of some special treatment.

I had ordered some Italian bruschetta and moaned in delight when I took my first bite.


Antonio inquired and while I was already certain he knew the answer I gave him confirmation that I was enjoying the food. The restaurant was Italian and I presumed that may be how Antonio found it. I knew he was Italian and was very much connected with his culture.

"What's your favorite food?"

I took a sip of my wine whilst pondering over the next question that had been fired at me by Antonio.

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