Chapter 6

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When I started to wake up the first thing I noticed that was different was the soft, warm material beneath me. This I found odd because I had presumed after the.....incident, I would have been taken into the basement. I opened my eyes (mainly to reassure myself that I wasn't dreaming) and sure enough I was in the same room as earlier, when getting ready.

I sat up, my joints slightly hurting from fighting against that Goddamn chair. While rubbing my wrists, it was surprising to see that they were bound in white bandages. I slowly began to unwrap them, curious about what was underneath but paused when I heard the familiar cough of Antonio.

I kept my gaze on my wrists, worried he would hurt me for unwrapping them. God what was I saying! It's my body I can do whatever the fuck I want, I want to remove the bandages then I will.....but I didn't. The voice in my head clearly wasn't stronger than the fear that froze my body into a stone like state.

"I will have someone check on them in a bit. You shouldn't have made such a fuss. Trust me, I have much worse up my sleeves for your next.....adventure."

I wanted to wipe that smug little grin off of his face but barely had the courage to look him in the eye. Upon noticing my reaction, or lack thereof, Antonio murmured to himself in Italien, "Sì, sarai divertente da rompere..."(yes, you will have fun breaking...)

I didn't know what that meant but finding out certainly wouldn't have reassured me. Nothing nice ever seemed to come out of his mouth.

"I think we need to lay down the ground rules. Ok?"

I didn't respond, that seemed to make him agitated yet I doubt he was surprised. It wasn't like my disliking him wasn't clear enough already.

"That leads us to rule 1, when you are spoken to you will respond."

He glared at me for a moment as if he was expecting something from me. Then I remembered what he had literally just told me and I whispered a quick yes in response.

"Rule 2, you will not run. Not like you could actually get away, in fact it's rather amusing for me to see the hope suddenly vanish from your eyes when you realize you're fucked, but we both know what's best for you.

Rule 3, you treat me and my peers with respect. We are higher than you. You are only alive because I want you to be, you should see that as my mercy. Remember this, your life can be taken from you in a matter of seconds and if you think this is bad, trust me I have, and will do worse if I need to.

That's it for now but if I see it fit to add to our little list then I will."

Without so much as a little goodbye, he left. And this time I did hear the door lock.

There was very little to do in the room. Most of the drawers were locked, along with an attached door, which I guessed was a closet or storage cupboard. There was a bathroom though, which was a blessing since the whole bucket situation in the cell.

Despite my punishment I still spent the first few hours I was trapped there, looking for a phone that I could use to call for help, then a weapon - thinking I could stab my way out of here. That was also unsuccessful. So I settled for reading a book I picked up from a shelf. It was named 'Crime and Punishment' and was written by 'Fyodor Dostoyevsky'. The book was ok at first but didn't do anything for my nerves as it went on into more detail about torture. Normally that wouldn't affect me but considering my current situation, things were a little different.

Sure enough Antonio kept his word and around lunch a nurse came into the room and cleaned my wrists before she bandaged them up again. When she revealed them I was surprised to see that the wounds were not actually as bad as I suspected. They were slightly raw and still red, but there was no scabbing and the lady reassured me that it wouldn't scar. Not that adding another scar to my collection would bother me. Ryan already did a pretty good job of marking my body.

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