Chapter 18

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I had woken up half way through a doctor examination. Antonio and the doctor had been discussing my state when I let out a groan of pain, notifying them that I was now awake. Overall, the skin on my back was shredded to pieces but would begin to heal within the next few weeks. Although, I would be left with even more scars. My ankles were both obviously broken and would take six weeks to heal, but even once the casts were removed the doctor recommended that I stayed in bed rest for an extra two weeks and only moved them slightly in order to regain there mobility in a safe way. The knife wounds on my arms had been wrapped in gauze after having had stitches. Those were to be taken out in about a week or two, depending on how fast I healed.

It seemed as though the two had already gone through my treatment plan while I was unconscious because the doctor simply handed Antonio some medication before leaving the room.

Even after I heard the door close I stayed quite. I had to lie on my stomach due to my back but my whole body hurt. I couldn't imagine moving because I was in so much pain.

Antonio didn't seem to know what to do. I could sense him just watching me from the side of the bed in silence before he finally came and sat on the bed beside me.

"Don't worry. I will get you the best scar treatments there are to offer. Creams, ointments, I can even pay for the best plastic surgeons if that's what it takes."

I didn't care about the scarring. I was so used to having a battered body anyway from my time with Ryan. In fact, part of me hoped that maybe seeing my body this way would make Antonio leave me alone. Maybe he'd be repulsed by me and no longer would want anything to do with me. Wishful thinking, I know.

His hand suddenly came to my head where he stroked my hair. The initial action made me flinch and he froze for a second before carrying on. Part of me actually liked it. He was so gentle and it was quite soothing. I soon found my breathing slowing and eyes closing due to the relaxation it caused me.

It had been two weeks since I first woke after the incident. My stitches in my arms had all been removed, revealing the now scabbed lines, nothing but ghost like shadows of what had been there before them. My ankles were still incased and I was enabled to walk. Therefore Antonio had ordered Linda, the maid, to come and help me in the bathroom and wash whenever I needed to. She also bought me food and my medication. A television had been installed too so that I could at least be entertained to some extent. I know that sounds marvelous, to be lounging in bed and doing nothing for weeks on end, but trust me when I say the novelty soon wears off. My back was not yet completely healed, so I still was on pain medication, but at least now I was able to lie on it without causing too much discomfort.

I rarely saw Antonio now. I knew that he still slept in the bed with me because the sheets were always crinkled on his side when I woke and I could smell his scent lingering around me, indicating he still came into the room. He just didn't really speak to me. I was mostly glad of that though. At least he wasn't hurting me or touching me in any way. But it also annoyed me because he seemingly didn't want me but if that was the case, then why keep me? He could have set me free or even killed me. Yet I was still cooped up in his room despite his apparent loss of interest in me.

I glanced over at the clock. 09.37. I knew that that was pretty early. But it wasn't like I had anything better to do than lie down and try to fall asleep. I was still having nightmares. Now some were even about Antonio, not just Ryan. I didn't really like sleeping anymore, it was never an escape because I would just end up running into more demons. However it was better to fall asleep early because then at least I could avoid Antonio. I wasn't exactly sure of what time he came to bed but it certainly wasn't on my agenda to find out.

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