Chapter 31

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Anger, annoyance and hate.

That's what I felt when I woke up in the morning, naked and wrapped up in a warm embrace, pulled against Antonio's toned, mussel ripped chest. However none of those negative feelings were towards him. It was myself that I was annoyed with.

I was angry that I had given in to him, despite the fact that he was my kidnapper, abuser and rapist.

I was annoyed at the fact that I had not given up the chance by walking away after I broke up our heated kiss. Instead I had kissed him back, returning the affection and consented to have sex with him out of my own free will.

And I hated myself for the fact that I didn't regret it. I felt awful and sinful because I'd enjoyed the time that we had spent together. Actually, enjoyed would be an understatement.

Antonio had given me the most pleasurable sexual experience that I'd ever had. I had slept with three men in my lifetime. The first was Eddy Jones, I had lost my virginity to him back in High School. I was 16, he was in the year above and it was nowhere near as magical as I gad expected. Both of us were in the school newspaper team and it just kind of happened at prom. Eddy wasn't super ugly or anything, he was nice and funny. I did like him at the time, but looking back on it I probably should have just waited. We were both virgins and had lost it at a school dance after party that one of his friends were hosting. The thing is, everyone makes it sound like losing your virginity to be such an incredible thing. I always pictured it to be like a movie, an epic montage of pleasure, love and romance. So you can imagine my surprise when I ended up with a hot, sweaty Eddy Jones on top of me after about twenty seconds. Afterwards he seemed so happy and pleased with himself and I just lied there confused and underwhelmed. It was then that I realized that it was much harder to please a woman than it was a man.

I learnt that even more with Ryan. When Ryan and I slept together it was just plain awkward. Usually the event consisted of around three minutes, him on top, lights off. As our relationship progressed it became less frequent too, not that I was really missing out on anything though. In fact, I suppose that in some ways it was a relief to no longer have to fake it and then smile and snuggle into Ryan afterwards, as if he had provided me with the time of my life.

But with Antonio......

It was amazing, I couldn't even understand how he made my body feel the things it did when with him. Every touch was passionate and sensual, not a single movement was put to waste. I still remembered every single detail and had to push the memories to the back of my mind before I got any more aroused.

I felt Antonio shift behind me slightly, he was probably going to wake soon. His alluring scent was the only thing that I could smell. It was so musky and masculine that the smell itself was enough to drown all of my other senses. His body felt so hot and tingly against my own, as if there was literal electricity between us. I couldn't help but collapse further into him. If I licked my lips and focused hard enough, I could still taste his kiss in my mouth. The sweetness of it drove me wild with lust. I couldn't help but want more. I desperately needed more. I was currently facing away from him as we fit together in a spooning position. It was almost as if our bodies had been designed to resemble two pieces of a puzzle.

It was when I felt a nibble on my ear that I knew Antonio was awake.

He let out a deep breath and brushed some stray hair back behind my ear. He knew that I was awake within a second of his own awakening, it was a sort of magical skill of his. My eyes stayed fixated out of the window, staring to the sea as I unconsciously pressed myself further into him. It really was an immaculate view. From my position in bed I could see the turquoise waves gently foaming and crashing against the clean, bright sand. The sky was completely clear, not even a single cloud was in sight. If I wasn't really here then I'd assume the whole place was a made up fantasy, like some sort of utopia or paradise. Heaven, even. All of that was perfectly framed by the wooden window, making it truly look like a picture.

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