Chapter 5

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Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts, my mind awake yet my body frozen from fear and it's weakness, when the door opened causing the door to make a loud screech as it dragged against the floor. That sound alone was enough to make my head hurt.

"Get up." Antonio's voice was stern and emotionless. I was hesitant at first to do so but figured I shouldn't test his patience.

Slowly I made my way up to his level, my knees wobbling slightly.


I didn't waste a second in doing so.

I hated the way he spoke to me. He barely even formed full sentences and spoke to me as if I was a dog.

With every step I took my pace became slower. It was getting harder to stand but my hope spiked when I saw us heading to a dining table in the middle of a large room. The room itself was plain but the table was decorated with foods of all kinds.

I eyed Antonio cautiously as he sat down at the head of the table, but soon sat beside him once he gestured impatiently to do so.

I sat silent staring at my lap, unsure of what to do. I could feel my captors burning eyes on me, yet remained still like a statue.


I wasted no time.

I grabbed food, stacking it all up on my plate. Bread, chicken, roasted vegetables. My mouth watered and I dove in straight away. The food tasted heavenly and l couldn't help but let out a moan. Then I remembered my aching thirst and took the glass that was by my plate before eagerly chugging its contents - all the while Antonio's eyes on me, and only me.

He had not touched the food, so I only presumed he had already eaten. I felt awkward gorging on food while he sat there watching me. My cheeks grew hot as I imagined how greedy l looked but I was so starving that I pushed the worry aside and continued to eat my food.

Once the hunger had settled l sat back in my chair and slowly moved my gaze to Antonio who just stared at me.

"Now Alice, l am sure you have questions for me but l am not yet in the mood to answer them. However, that may change if you do exactly as I tell you."

I started nervously nibbling on my lip and fiddled with my hands which were now placed in my lap.

"I am going to have one of my maids take you upstairs, where you will wash and change. Then you will wait on the bed for me. Although you may be tempted to ask the maid to help you escape, I can assure you that all my staff are carefully selected and will remain loyal to me. Clear?"

I nodded slowly.

"So are you going to be a good girl or do I need to put you back in the basement?"

The thought of even stepping back into that dreadful place made me shudder.

"I'll be good..." my voice came out more like a broken, horse whisper. That was certainly not my intention. I wanted to seem strong but I was too scared and was never an actress anyway.

"Linda" Antonio beckoned and soon enough a blonde woman, around the age of 30 or 40 came forward.

Her hair was neatly tied back into a low bun and she had no makeup on her face. She was quite pretty, though slight wrinkles appeared on her face she still looked good for her age. She was a bit taller than me and wore a maids outfit, which consisted of a black knee length dress with a white apron over the top of it. She stood waiting for her instructions as her boss spoke.

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