Chapter 35

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Warning: This chapter may be triggering to some people. Reader discretion is advised.



Ice cold fear.

That's all I felt.

Here, right in front of me was the man who had hurt me more than any other person had. The man who still haunted my nightmares to this very day.

That monster was now sat in my living room, on my couch, right before me. His cold grey eyes stared at me as an evil, disgusting grin appeared on his thin lips.


His words were slurred and sloppy. Ryan was wasted. What had I ever seen in him? He was a beast.

In fact upon closer inspection, I saw that the beer smell had clearly been him. There were empty bottles everywhere.

"How are you here?"

He let out a drunk laugh as his head rolled back slightly.

"I got released early. Good behavior and very close friends on the inside. My case was reviewed after some incident where you were deemed....unstable. Apparently you claimed that some guy kidnapped you.... did me a favor though. Even made them reconsider those bruises of yours, they believe you made it all up, hurt yourself on purpose."

I was shaking like a leaf now, barely able to hold my own weight. He hadn't even served a full year!

"Anyway, it wasn't hard to get your new address but then I saw the place was empty. Broke in through the window..... anyway, I got here yesterday and don't intend to leave, At least not without you."

I gulped and directed my gaze down to the floor. If I had learnt anything from being Ryan's girlfriend, it was how to behave correctly. Never look him in the eyes unless he was speaking to you, in that case make sure you give him your full attention. But don't be too invasive, then again always ask how his day was so that you come across as interested about his life but not at all snoopy. Most importantly, always do as your told. Never say no, ever.

"Where did you go last night Alice, you weren't here?"

That's right, he didn't know about Antonio. I couldn't tell him though. His reaction wouldn't be good, he would either lash out and call me a liar or would punish me for seeing another man. I needed an excuse, and a believable one at that.

"I err..... I had to stay over night at work..... there was this patient and I had to study their sleeping pattern."

It was complete and utter bullshit but Ryan was so drunk that he'd buy absolutely anything that I said.

"Well I'm back now. Things will go back to the way they were. Go make some dinner, I'm starving."

Before he even had the chance to call me back over, I hurried off in the direction of the kitchen to make dinner, like Ryan had requested. I waited for a couple of seconds before rushing to the front door. I searched my pockets in a panic to find my keys so that I could leave. The sooner I got out and searched for help, the better. I had no clue how the hell I would reach Antonio. I knew that he'd be tracking me and keeping an eye on my location so maybe I could make it seem as if I'd escaped. Then again, I didn't want to get punished and it was very doubtful that Antonio would believe the truth. What was worse, abuse from Antonio or Ryan?

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