Chapter 39

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No, no, no no no no no no.

I died!

I had to be dead!

There was no way that I could have survived Ryan's last brutal beating. I even felt the life fade away from me. I couldn't be alive! God, please don't let me be alive. I wanted it to be over, I was ready to die!

This wasn't supposed to happen.

I had yet to open my eyes, unwilling to ever look at Ryan again....or anything for that matter. But at last I gave into myself and opened my eyes only to discover how anti climactic the whole ordeal was. Pitch black. I couldn't see anything and considering that I could feel the sheets around my body my first guess was that I was in the bedroom. I needed to get up. Ryan would only punish me more if I was late waking up. I couldn't take that risk. I was just so tired but I knew that I couldn't kill myself. I wanted to and deep down I knew that it was the easiest route for me but I just couldn't. After my last attempt I'd promised Antonio that I'd never try again and he may not care about me anymore but I sure as hell cared about him.

Gathering all of my energy I tried to sit up, only to let out a shrill scream from the sudden wave of agonizing pain that washed over me. Every single inch of my body was screaming at me, it was the only thing that I could possibly focus on as it consumed my entire body. I suddenly regretted moving and could only let out loud cries. My whole body felt as if it was on fire, specifically my torso area and ribs. However my screams were slightly hushed by the oxygen mask that covered my face.

Suddenly, as if alerted by my cries, I heard the door open. Shortly after that the lights flicked on, triggering another cry as my head curled back from a massive headache.

"She shouldn't be awake yet."

Who the fuck was that?

The voice belonged to a woman so it obviously wasn't Ryan. Why was someone else here? Had Ryan called someone to come and hurt me more? Or what if he was going to give me to one of his mates. He'd always threatened me by saying that he'd let his friends come and have their way with me if I was bad.


I whined out, desperate to get away from the mysterious identity.


An oddly familiar voice hushed me and then grabbed my hand in a gentle manor. Their fingers calmingly brushed over mine, though it didn't succeed in making me anymore relaxed. If anything it panicked me more. I had no clue who was touching me, where I was or what was going on.

"Pass me a syringe!"

The woman's voice called out urgently and I once again attempted to sit up, only to be pressed down my the figure who was brushing my knuckles a second ago. I once again tried to open my eyes but instantly squeezed them shut due to the bright light that hovered on the ceiling above me.

I felt the sharp needle prick my skin and I could only whimper as the drug made it's way into my already sleepy body. The last thing I remember was a gentle kiss being placed on my forehead. That action was oh so familiar.


I glared at the vile man in front of me, hating him for what he had done to my Alice. Before me was Ryan, strapped down to a chair, he was visibly shaking in fear. Good. He should be scared. He should be terrified.

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