Chapter 28

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The last few days had been rather pleasant, or at least the best it could be for someone who was being held captive.

Antonio had changed. He had made no advances towards me at all, there had been no inappropriate touching or comments. I occasionally would do something wrong or talk back and I could see him getting pissed off but somehow he had always managed to restrain himself before he snapped. Though despite his eerie change in personality I still felt like I was living with a time bomb that could blow up at any second. For that reason, I couldn't help but flinch when he rose a hand to brush my hair out of my face or even if he'd appear from out of nowhere behind me. I was constantly on edge. And he had noticed but remained calm. I could tell that he was trying to do better.

Antonio had indeed taken me shopping. I'd forgotten how much I adored such mundane activities but now that I no longer had that freedom every little outing seemed as though it was saving me from completely losing my sanity. He had let me pay for my own clothes and other stuff that I wanted but still insisted on buying our lunch. I wasn't worried about spending so much on my shopping spree because I wasn't paying for anything else anymore, I literally had no financial responsibilities now that Antonio had taken me and I was living under his constant care and protection.

Now we had arrived at Anguilla and it was stunning to say the least. We'd taken Antonio's private jet and were staying in a our own isolated house for the week. It was a cosy and decently sized wooden building that overlooked the sea. It had the most amazing view. The ocean was such an incredible and vibrant color that I was shocked it was even natural for something to be so beautiful.

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I was stood outside on the porch that hovered above the tropical water below us taking in deep breaths. I loved how the sun beamed onto my body and I could already feel myself (both mind and body) being replenished by it's golden rays. It created a glowing warmth that radiated all around us, occasionally receiving a cool brush of wind in contrast.

I gasped from the sudden contact when I felt Antonio place his hands on my hips and pull me against his bare chest but soon melted into his body. Despite everything he had done to me, I still subconsciously found comfort in his sensual touch.

"What do you think?"

I closed my eyes again, willing my body to soak up the positive energy that swarmed the whole area.

"I love it."

His face was buried into my neck and I felt him smile, pleased with my response. How could anybody not love it here? It would have been perfect if it had been with somebody of my own choosing stood behind me, wrapping me in his embrace.

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