Chapter 13

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"Hello miss"

I could hear faint murmurs in the distance, but brushed them off as voices in my dreams.


I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and jolted straight up, terrified that Antonio and his men had found me already. Shit I was so close. I regretted the quick movement that I made as soon as the sharp stabbing sensation in my side reminded me of my ribs. I looked up and saw an elderly woman and man in front of me.

"Do you need help dear?"

I nodded my head frantically as she helped me to my feet. I assumed they were a couple and I trusted them. They didn't seem threatening at all and didn't give off a negative vibe. I walked over, with a slight limp to their car. The woman helped me into the small, dusty blue car that was parked to the side of the road whilst her husband picked up my backpack and closely followed behind us.

I sat in the back of the car along with the woman, I assumed this was so I didn't feel as isolated and I appreciated that she had sat in the back with me instead of the front. Once the man had begun to drive they started a conversation with me.

I found out that there names were Gloria and Jack. They were out driving to there daughter's house because she was getting married soon. Turns out I had slept for a few hours because it was currently about 6:00 am, that didn't really surprise me though. I was exhausted after being on the run and needed a break, especially with my ribs in their current state. When the couple asked me what my name was I told them that it was Julia. I didn't want Antonio to have any way of tracing me to them so gave the first name that came to mind.

They asked what had happened, obviously a concern for anyone who picked up a strange, injured girl who was sleeping at the road side. It took me a while to get a believable story together but eventually I told them that I went on a hike and got lost....that didn't really explain the injuries and my ribs but they bought it either way.

When they asked me where I wanted to go I just told them the airport. I couldn't believe these sweet old people's kindness, they could've just driven past me - like many others had or would of - yet instead they offered me help. All in all, this was just a huge change in dynamic from how I was treated by Antonio.

"Dear, you look exhausted...why don't you have a nap and we will wake you up once we get to the airport."

She smiled sweetly at me and I nodded my head before pressing it against the window. I trusted them. Of course the thought that they secretly worked for Antonio but if that were the case, then I was sure that by now I'd either be dead or drugged and passed out somewhere. So I let myself fall into a long awaited nap to the low hum of the car engine.

Gloria had woken me up about an hour later to announce that we had arrived at the air port. Jack got out of the car and helped me with my bag. The two of them kept telling me how they could give me money or let me use there phone, they even offered to take me home to their daughter's house! However I assured them that I was fine and perfectly capable of getting on a plane and promised that I would soon be safe at home.

I thanked them again for their kindness and generosity before swiftly moving on. I didn't have time to linger if I wanted to get on a flight as soon as possible. I was still limping slightly because of the pain in my ribs however I was starting to get used to it. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing though because I really shouldn't be getting used to pain as it should never have happened in the first place!

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