Chapter 32

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"No way!"

My mouth was stretched out into a wide grin as I stared back at Antonio from across the table.


He chuckled and nodded his head, clearly amused by my blatant shock.

Alexander was coming around to the house later on so Antonio was telling me some stories about the two siblings from when they were young children.

I knew that it would be weird to see him again. After all, the last interaction we had was about 5 minutes after I found myself surrounded by the dead bodies of my work colleagues and it ended with me getting drugged and kidnapped by his big brother.

Turns out that Alexander had always been the cheeky one, constantly pranking and annoying his older brother. Sure it usually ended up with pushing Antonio into attacking him before being pulled back by his parents but it was supposedly fun for Alexander, never the less.

I'd also discovered that both of Antonio's parents were dead. He didn't go into detail (not that I wanted him to anyway) but I did find out that it meant their oldest son would take over the business. Hence Antonio's current position.

"Is it what you actually wanted to do with your life?"

I asked, genuinely curious. I'd never experienced what it was like to be pushed into a career by someone but couldn't imagine that it would be an enjoyable process. In fact I probably had a little too much freedom when it came to my study decisions. I'd never really worked hard in school until right before my SATS when I started to panic.

"To be honest with you it never mattered and still doesn't matter what I wanted to do. It was always set in stone that I'd take over the business, it's been that way in my family for decades. Since the day I was born I was always being prepared for it so have never thought about a life outside of the mafia."

"Do you enjoy it?"

My next question didn't seem to shock Antonio either, although I could sense that his willingness to answer my questions was wearing thin. It was a miracle that he was even telling me about his family past and history. I was used to our conversation topics being more limited.

"I don't tend to enjoy many things Alice. But if what your really asking is if I mind killing people than you won't be pleased with my answer. I was brought up well aware of what this job would inevitably entail. I've never had any second thoughts or guilt about what I do. I am a sadist Alice, I know that doesn't sit well with people like you but -"

"What do you mean people like me?"

He let out a slightly irritated breath and put down the cup of hot coffee that he was holding.

"Alice, you worked in a prison. Your job is essentially to analyze people like me. You work for the law and much to your distaste, your more innocent than you think."

I scoffed. I was not innocent. I'd spent my whole career listening to psychopaths who would tell me about all of the brutal things that they'd done to their victims. I'd dealt with my ex boyfriend beating the shit out of me and grew up with a mom who could only ever pretend to care. When your life was like mine you had to grow up. I wasn't some innocent, clueless toy for Antonio to just play with. Who was he to make such assumptions about me?

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